Actress Juhi Parmar is set to return to the small screen soon. Juhi Parmar, who has participated in and directed a number of serials and reality shows, will now be seen in 'Hamariwali Good News'.
Juhi, who barely left home for five-six months for the safety of her parents and daughter, could not resist the temptation to work on the show when it was offered. The actress says that after staying at home for five-six months, I got to swear allegiance to my parents and daughter. We were all happy working from home. Then I got an offer of 'Hamariwali Good News'. I really liked his script? Hundreds of thoughts went through my mind before I said yes to it though.
But in the end I felt that Kovid was not going to be eradicated. People around the world are battling the virus. Then why should I sit alone at home. So I accepted the offer. Of course, I will take all precautionary measures. My daughter Samaira will make up for my loss. But it also makes me happy to see him on screen again.
The serial 'Kum Kum Ek Pyaara Sa Bandhan' gave Juhi unparalleled fame. He still feels that this serial was the best series of his career. But he wants his new show to go two steps further. Juhi says about her character 'Renuka' in the show that she is a strong-willed, God-fearing and cheerful housewife and gives birth to a child for her daughter-in-law. What an excellent idea. Of course, this role is extremely challenging.
He further says that after 'Kumkum ....' I read many scripts. But I liked the script of this serial and I accepted it.
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