Actor Nakul Mehta, who has appeared in serials like 'Pyar Ka Dard Hai Mitha Mitha Pyaara Pyaara', 'Ishqbaaz', is upset with the way the media is covering the case of Sushant Singh Rajput. He feels that someone's death is being taken advantage of.
Nakul Mehta says that today our country is grappling with serious problems like unemployment, declining GDP, Kovid-12 epidemic. Yet all are trying to take advantage of Sushant's death. Seeing the way the media fell behind Sushant's girlfriend Richa Chakraborty, Mehta says it is understandable that it is the job of the media to cover the investigation into the case. But there is a limit. Because this case is under investigation.
Nakul also finds the ongoing discussions on social media on the matter disturbing. He says the ongoing trial in Rihanna's case on social media is really disturbing. We are on the verge of topping the world in terms of Kovid-12 epidemic. Our economy is faltering. How appropriate it is to fall behind in such a situation.
The actor feels that as long as Sushant Singh pays homage to Rajput or talks about his mental state, it is fine. But certain political parties are eating Sushant's death for their own votes. The media is also running Prime Time News rather than defaming a woman while an investigation is underway. Let the court of the country decide this case. Who are we to hear the verdict?
Nakul Mehta fears that social media is divided. People are hashtags about mental health to strengthen their brand, to get mileage. In the future we will get the vaccine of Kovid-12, we will get back our rich rich past, but how will we fill the gaps in the society? Social media is adding to the spread of hatred. We are forgetting the humanity behind proving our point.
The actor believes that it is not appropriate to remain silent on such an issue. "I don't want to fight or take sides," he says. But we don't even speak for humanity. This is where the 'vulture' poem was recited. It may be mentioned here that Nakul Mehta recited the poem 'Vulture' on Instagram in which a human becomes like a vulture. Nakul says that everyone seems to be in search of a villain. I feel helpless. I am very angry. I don't understand who to blame. Those who raise their voices for the truth are trolled. In such a situation I would prefer to respond to hatred with kindness, peace rather than hatred.
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