Solving the problem of gaining weight after marriage

Before marriage, young women are very careful about their shapely body. Sometimes exercise, sometimes jogging. But after marriage most women become careless. So try to attract everyone's attention with a shapely body rather than a fat body.

Many women start gaining weight after marriage or after becoming a mother of one child. And the body becomes obese. Some women even lose their attractiveness within a few years of marriage. Healthy and attractive needs can be maintained if women take a little precaution after marriage or after becoming a mother.

Most young women dream of getting married. She goes to beauty parlors or slim centers to stay attractive, slim and smart.

But as soon as he gets married, he is happy to see his dream come true. And becomes careless with food and exercise in happiness. Diar, Nand, in-laws and husband's insistence and love to eat more. Exercise and exertion are reduced or stopped, leading to weight gain.

The mother-in-law feeds her husband and family by making delicious dishes to experiment with her cuisine, also eats herself and invites obesity.

Hormonal secretion in women's body also changes due to physical and mental peace, comfort, happiness, warmth and satisfaction after marriage. It makes the body of some women awkward and some of them obese. The newlyweds have less work to do. Second, he has to go to dine with many relatives and friends. There he is insistently fed a high-fat meal, as a result of which he easily invites obesity.

Young women who used to exercise before marriage etc. avoid exercising after marriage due to the new environment and shame among new people.

He spends his time figuring out where to exercise and how to do it. As a result his obesity seems to increase. And becomes pregnant when she is in a position to exercise. In this condition, neither exercise nor dieting is possible.

Pregnancy requires a complete diet. Consumption of high amounts of fats, nuts, etc. during this time is of no importance.

According to the old belief and in accordance with the orders of the elders in the house, more ghee and dried fruits are consumed freely. Which causes fat to accumulate in the body. In this condition the increased weight becomes difficult to reduce.


Gaining weight and gaining weight after marriage is a common problem for women. Before marriage, a young lady tries hard to keep her figure attractive. The need for a beautiful body is as much before marriage as it is after marriage. In order to prevent obesity from increasing after marriage and childbirth, it is necessary to eat, but at the same time take care of calories, do not avoid regular exercise. Keep exercising lightly before and after childbirth, keep going morning and evening, keep doing housework.

Feed the baby after delivery. This will remove the fat accumulated during pregnancy

The need for food increases a little after pregnancy and childbirth, it does not mean consuming more ghee or dried fruits. Have a balanced meal during this time. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Have a balanced meal during this time.

Also use skim milk or skimmed milk. Don't be careless with the figure after marriage. Don't be lazy or relaxed. Do aerobics even after delivery, keep exercising.

Pay attention to weight and obesity even after marriage or after childbirth. If weight gain or obesity increases during this time it will be difficult to reduce it. So keep the weight under control. Obesity reduces attractiveness and can cause many serious diseases at the same time.
