The charisma of the couple's matching chemistry

If a loving couple, husband-wife, dance partner, work-partner gets along well with Ekmak, it is said that their chemistry is good. What is this chemistry? In response to this, experts say that if there is a good rapport between two people, they understand each other's mind without uttering a single word, if the other person recognizes what is going on in one's mind in a moment, it is called chemistry. And if the chemistry of the spouses matches then their life becomes blessed. Yes, conflicts between every couple are inevitable.

Yet their love remains intact. Their relationship is not sour but it remains sour. Experts further say that it is necessary for the chemistry of the husband and wife to match so that the car of the world does not derail. Especially after a few years of marriage.

Explaining the reason for this, he says that it is natural for newlyweds to feel a constant pull towards each other. But after a few years love takes the place of responsibilities. Husbands and wives cannot spend enough time with each other. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.

The couple can create chemistry between the two if they want with a little conscious effort. This is the kind of research that keeps them connected. Explaining how couples should try to build this bridge, experts say that first of all you have to get in the habit of thinking about both instead of just thinking about yourself. Rather it can be said that the Sami person has to develop the habit of thinking from the heart.

Before doing anything, if the thought comes to me that 'my spouse will not be bothered by it, right?' What a pleasure it will be. ' So understand that your chemistry is matching. But if you just keep doing what you like, you will never get along.

If a wife is constantly suspicious of her husband, does not trust him, keeps a close eye on his behavior, then assume that his chemistry does not match. Of course, this applies equally to the husband.

The biggest test of a couple's relationship is understanding each other's minds and not expecting anything in return. If you have no expectations from your spouse, yet you are happy then understand that all your expectations are being fulfilled without saying. The Sami person has automatically understood your hopes and aspirations and is fulfilling them wholeheartedly.

Husbands and wives have not been able to devote enough time to each other as girls have become career-oriented in recent times. In addition, the practice of distance marriage has started, so if the husband is working in one city, then the wife is working in another city.

Yet the fact that they feel close to each other proves that their chemistry is really great.

Rarely do the likes and dislikes of two women and two men, not just men and women, match. That is why it is just as natural for a man and a woman who start cohabitation to have a conflict of likes and dislikes in their sex life. There is a difference between men and women due to their natural physical constitution and hormonal system. How a couple deals with this difference is the basis of their marital happiness.

A survey in Britain found that 9% of women and 5% of men do not match their libido time and frequency with their partner. The same survey also found that women aroused more libido at night and men more in the morning. Men also have a rise in testosterone hormones in the morning, which makes them naturally want to have sex in the morning.

Many marriages have broken down and are still broken due to lack of harmony in sex life. Most women and sometimes men try to cope, but the discordant nature of the relationship has a profound effect on their marital life.

If those choices don't match in other aspects of life, partners don't mind as much as Samuel prefers. It is not necessary for one to like the other. There are many things to consider when matching between two characters when getting married, but this is not possible when it comes to sex.

Couples dyed in Western culture now have sex before marriage, but the likes and dislikes of sex life in general are not yet allowed to be matched everywhere. Even if you get it, there is no guarantee that this choice will change forever as it changes over time.

When people who grew up in two different environments come together and build a home with their own unique environment, both of them like to live in the same house only if both the individuals take into consideration the preferences of the other person along with their favorite things. Karela to her husband

If you don't like it, it is natural for wives to make potato vegetable on that day for a special husband. The wife does not like the color brown, so it is easy for the husband to take care that the color is not used in the interior of the house. In such a case, suppose that the husband or wife understands his point of view - for that reason, he does not feel compelled to take the initiative to explain his point even by making arguments. Although when it comes to sex

When it comes down to it most of the time the person becomes very selfish or even insensitive. Understanding the opposite sex's likes and dislikes when it comes to sex may be physically pleasurable, but it can never be satisfying.

Suppose the wife has a sore throat ઼ and the husband enjoys eating spicy food that emits smoke from the ears. What if you go out for lunch or dinner with both of them and order only swallows or spicy things? If there are only swallowed dishes, the husband will not have fun and if there are very spicy things, the wife will not feel like eating. In such circumstances, both the persons will be able to enjoy the dinner if they order the dishes by combining sweet and spicy. This seemingly easy to understand example can also be applied to sex life.

As much as we respect the sensations of each other's tongues, we also respect the sensations so that relationships do not matter. - Samuel Preference When there is no match, when one thing always happens to the same character, the other person loses interest in sex. In most cases the couple understandably

With harmony, the difference to preference can be solved on its own.

A song from a Hindi movie explains the chemistry of husband and wife or a couple very nicely. The lyricist describes it something like this.

'Don't say you don't say anything to me .... say,

Why don't you know the crocodile ...

Kin dhoop mein khila hai chaand,

Day and night

Yeh pyaar ki bina kahe sune hi

It's over '
