Kangana Ranaut Actress Kangana Ranaut BMC in a direct confrontation with the joint ruling party Shiv Sena in Maharashtra. Kangana Ranaut, who arrived in Mumbai from Chandigarh after the demolition of his office, made a video allegation against Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray and succeeded in gaining public support for the injustice done to him and presented himself before the Governor. Mars and Jupiter are located in Swarashi. Since Mars is strong, the guru of militancy and leadership and self-determination is indicated by Lokchah.
Jupiter's zodiac sign in the workplace has created lunar fame in Dhanrashi and a name yoga in his field of work. Being with Jupiter Rahu and being with the Sun has created a situation of friction against the government due to the Sun-Rahu planetary yoga and with him being a self-located Karmesh Guru will find his way legally through fighting. This alliance of planets does not easily solve the problem. He will also be the victim of allegations. The period starting from September 15 will give a new turn in his life till December 9 and new changes will take place in his career before April 3, 2021. - Indramantri
Aries (A. L. E.)
The Tower & - The Tower's card indicates success in striving for success. Your career is likely to change for the better in the near future. Get the cooperation of friends. Ta. . . . ભ Good luck.
Taurus (B. V. U.)
The Star - The Star's card suggests you to be optimistic and come out of despair if you are pessimistic. You will be able to overcome disappointment with determination. You will be able to discuss your difficulties with your relatives. Ta. . . ભ Good luck.
Gemini (A. G. D.)
The Moon - The Moon's card is meant to be an occasion for you to become overly emotional. A heartbreaking event happens whose auspicious effect will be subject to the birth planets. Short travel yoga will arise. Ta. . . . Good luck.
Kirk (D. H.)
The Hierophant - The Aerofant's card suggests you move on to the tasks you set out to do without anyone's help. You will be relieved if there is any problem regarding health. Good news will be received. Ta. . . . ભ Good luck.
Lion (M. T.)
The Sun - The Sun's card indicates that your current time is progressive. There will be new opportunities in your field of work. You will be able to make the right decisions in matters related to the study of children and marriage. Disagreements with anyone can be overcome. Ta. . . . . Good luck.
Kanya (P. T. N.)
The Empress - The Empress card is meant to address your personal questions. You will be able to make a decision for something important. A heartwarming auspicious event will increase your joy and enthusiasm. Ta. . . ભ Good luck.
Libra (R. T.)
The High Priestess - The High Priestess's card suggests embracing the changes that are currently taking place. People involved in the stock market should be careful. Unexpected travel yoga will emerge. Ta. . . Good luck.
Scorpio (n. Y.)
The Magician - The Magician's card is meant to be an occasion to introduce your intellectual talents. Financial distress will be relieved. There will be discussions for family members. Ta. . . . Good luck.
Dhan (b. D. F. D.)
The Fool - The Fool's card is suggested to be an event that becomes overly emotional. Don't be in a hurry if you are deciding to start a task. There will be ease in the tasks done by self-effort. Ta. . . . ભ Good luck.
Capricorn (b. J.)
Judgment - Judgment card indicates that you cannot make the right decision for a task when you feel dilemma. Putting aside your dilemma and implementing what you want to do will be beneficial. New changes in financial terms will come soon. Ta. . . ભ Good luck.
Aquarius (G. S. S. S. Sh.)
The Hangedman - The Hangedman's card suggests avoiding difficult tasks and focusing on new ones. There will be financially beneficial changes. Visiting with friends will be fun. Ta. . . . 4.2 Good luck.
Mean (S. Ch. Z. Th.)
The Hermit - The Hermit card suggests making decisions about future travel-specific travel plans. Any difficulty in the task will be removed. It will be an occasion to increase your self-esteem. Ta. . . . . Good luck.
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