Shashi Tharoor said in Pune last week that people like Varvara Rao, Vernon Gonsalves, Sudha Bhardwaj and others did not carry a stone or a gun. Only words were said. Yet they were detained. This is not okay. This talk is old but Shashi Tharoor has spoken now. Some leaders with alleged links to the Maoist organization have been accused of making violent speeches. They got caught. Does the edge of the pen not exist at the present time? Does the sword increase the cost of the pen?
The pen has now become the keyboard. And the government sword called the Indian Penal Code hangs over everyone. Earlier, there were agitating leaders who used to take their armpits and speak for themselves. He sought justice for those who were exploited. Now all the people without armpits are agitating. But whatever these people say, they get ready in the message factory instead of criticizing them. The message is then forwarded word-to-word. Any message is suppressed before it turns into a mass movement. Words are strangled. The government or government representatives arrest you, arrest you, establish you as a traitor. No opposition to the functioning of the government can be due to the fact that the opposition is weak and scattered, or that there is a change of party for the sake of self-interest, well-served by the country. What if someone protests? And one infallible weapon that often goes viral is the general condition of the Prime Minister's family. So for this person, the country is his family. This is of course Kabil-e-Daad. But apart from him, are all his other comrades, supporters or workers the same? No, no! And then the sword moves. Those who oppose are subjected to profound attacks. And then the beaten opponents zip on the tongue believing nine hundred marks in not speaking. The unbroken chanting of Om Chupaya Namah Mantra is chanted. Alya o .. put all lap. And - what should we take? - It becomes the pillow talk of intellectual people. Then the intellectuals go to bed by placing the pen under the pillow. Raat rahe jahre pachli khatghadi ... sadhu purush tyare soi jaay. Hangs over the sword. But it does not fall on government supporters. The sword becomes nonviolent here.
The government is good that Bahujan Hitaya, Bahujan Sukhaya work. It is necessary to have a sword because we do not live in harmony. We only understand the language of Daphne. But if the government does wrong, should we remain silent? To cut the head of the pen? Delete keyboard function? No. Not at all. Speaking when it feels like something is wrong. Even if the sword cuts one, if you come in a group, it will respect you. So the bigger your community, the more pressure you can put on the government. Therefore, nothing can be done by eliminating discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, religion or community. Opposition does not happen. If you get together, the sword will loosen. Of course your objection must be true.
English comedian and satirist Terry Pratchett says that the pen is stronger than the sword, only if the sword is very small and the pen is very sharp! This whole exercise is just for that. Sharpen the clause, unite the community and force the government to sheath the sword on an issue worthy of protest. Can't So shut up. The government will come to Apudi Bapudi people. Have faith in the government. Iti.
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