Address of true happiness: Do a small thing, check within yourself

In the last issue, we have seen that in order to achieve ultimate happiness, to achieve bliss, one must first understand the five universal offerings of the philosophy of life. If one has to cultivate the five virtues and regulate the five types of activities (business) of the mind such as thoughts, raga-dwesha, desires, disorders (kashayo) and attitudes as much as possible, then abstinence is possible.

Let's make it clear that complete restraint (control of the mind) is not so easy ... for that one needs uninterrupted sadhana of births. Even scholars and ascetics have reached the summit, trapped in the magic of the mind, and have returned to the foothills. Still, that's the most important way. The more we control, the more we gain. The need for a little more disciplined study on a daily basis is beneficial. It requires a lot of thinking and virtue. At the same time, religion-policy and spiritual practice are very helpful in mindfulness. We don’t have to fight with the mind. That is not possible. But it can certainly be subdued by the asceticism that arises from love, discipline, study and sadhana; That is how all great men have conveyed the message through their lives.

We can conquer anger with forgiveness, greed with charity, pride with humility, and deceit with simplicity.

So now we need the path of religion and spiritual practice to achieve bliss. Religion opens the door to happiness and peace. So we have to follow the religion. Living ethically. Religion is not a matter of sect here. But here charity, modesty, penance and price are the four pillars of religion.

Donation can be donation, knowledge donation, clothing donation, property donation, time donation ... in many ways. We will talk further about penance. Always try to keep the mood of the mind pure-holy bliss. When Shil means virtue, here comes the vows of the five Yamas. Which inevitably teaches any true religion. These are the five yams: Satya, Ahimsa, Asteya (not to steal), Aparigraha (not to combine excess of greed) and Brahmacharya.

We should always speak the truth but also use kind and humble words when speaking the truth. Remember not to tell the truth that leads to violence. Not to injure or kill any animal. Don't hurt anyone with your words or thoughts. True non-violence today. Don't let our thoughts get in the way. Moreover, it is unacceptable not to amass special wealth, servants and animals beyond the need or limit. And that too is a kind of non-violence. Not to suffer at the expense of anyone. Yogis make rapid progress in sadhana by following Brahmacharya. The householders must observe the vow of contentment by themselves.

Five types of spiritual practice

- A man who progresses on the path of religion and policy, when he practices yoga, he enters the realm of spirituality. Yoga means connection.

What exactly is religion? Dharma Dharayati Iti Dharma: If you look carefully, you will understand that the above five Yamas and such rules are made to protect the formation of society and nature. The coexistence of living with each other in generosity, harmony and compassion in nature and biology is essential for the survival of all animals and nature. Every time mankind has broken these rules, nature has tried and will continue to try to bring a number of weapons like epidemics like corona, earthquakes, tsunamis, wars to the place of future mankind. So now let's look at five types of spiritual practice.

The spiritual path is the final stop. We know that eternal, supreme, bliss is in the soul and to dwell in the soul, to know the soul and to cultivate self-awareness everywhere is the same spirituality. (Adhik + Atma) Spirituality can be compared to Space. However getting there and surviving is not easy.

A man who progresses on the path of religion and policy enters the realm of spirituality when he practices yoga. Yoga means attachment. Our connection with the homeland. This yoga has the infallible power to control the mind by destroying Avidya. Whether it is Holy Gyan Yoga, whether it is Nishkam-and skillful Karmayoga ... whether it is surrendered Bhakti Yoga or Ashtanga Raja Yoga (which has eight limbs of Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi). Consumption in a sedentary manner.

There is another part of spiritual practice. Nishkam prarthana, (May all be happy, may all be healed, may all be well.) And kirtan of God, bhajan, mantra japa etc. Prayer is not about bargaining with God.

The third organ, which is very important, is Swadhyaya. The only true knowledge is the knowledge of God and the soul. That which leads to Tattvabodh, regulates the mind, from which the Atma-Paramatma is experienced, the same knowledge and to study it continuously on a daily basis. Doing satsang. Niddhyasana of reading, contemplation, inquiry, reflection. Religion storytelling.

The fourth organ is internal penance. As a part of it, to perform the first physical penance as well as the internal penance ... Vinaya, the service of the elders-guru and the poor's poor. Maintaining holiness. To atone for sins. These are the things that come under Tapa. Which destroys sins and leads to complete purification.

The fifth and most important is the final stage of spiritual practice, that meditation. Intuition, introspection, self-realization is the purpose of meditation. 'As the head is the chief in the body, and the root is the chief in the tree. Similarly, meditation is the main thing in all religions of sadhuna and sadhana. When the mind is absorbed in meditation, the mental pains like jealousy, melancholy, grief arising due to kashaya do not touch the seeker. '

Meditation purifies our thoughts, instincts, desires, disorders

- Meditation develops intellect, intellect, cloud etc. These experiments were first performed by Dr. Since Andrew Newberg (U-pen) was published in the prestigious medical journal in 2002, yoga and meditation have gained a steady, prestigious scientific place in the world

Meditation is an infallible weapon, the best tool for controlling the trades of the mind as well as for self-development. The Sufi saint Rumi has rightly said, 'Do a small deed, you examine yourself within yourself.' Intuition is the same as meditation. The inner journey through meditation gives us a clear vision of our thought-development-craving-infatuation etc. A homogeneous operation is performed on the patient with the same tools of the mind such as calm and healthy mind, alert and concentrated mind and the process of meditation with a balanced mind. And it has wonderful physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

Do you want relief from stress? Do you want relief from psychosomatic diseases? Need concentration, skill and acumen? Want to overcome negative emotions? Need force in speech, influence on mouth, healing power? Gaining esoteric powers and achievements? ... If you practice meditation for the attainment of self-realization, for the attainment of Paramatma, for the attainment of immortality and for liberation, then you will get all these benefits mentioned above as an innate bonus. But do not meditate to get all this. Meditation is to be done only for self-realization and liberation, the same goal remains forever. There are many methods of meditation. Patanjali Raja Yoga, Anapan Sati, mindfulness meditation, Vipassana, Praksha Dhyana, Samayik, Kayotsarga, Sahaj Dhyana, TM Meditation ... etc. Study any one of the methods systematically with the Guru. And then do sadhana regularly.

Meditation purifies and removes our thoughts, instincts, desires, disorders. Ego is eradicated. Meditation destroys all the defective activities of the mind. The result of meditation is to become mindless. And to be non-mind is to have complete control over the mind. Neuroscience has shown two important brain tests, such as fMRI, PET, SPECT, mentioned earlier during meditation. (1) During meditation, the circulatory and metabolic processes in the parietal lobe of the brain are suspended. From here, the mind manifests its desires, expressions, pride, disorders, etc.: and by closing it, the mind is controlled. (2) The circulatory and metabolic processes in the frontal lobe of the brain are greatly increased. This part of the brain is responsible for the most important symbols like our intellect, intelligence, decision, conscience, memory. Thus meditation develops Pragya, Buddhi, Megha etc. These experiments were first performed by Dr. Since Andrew Newberg (U-pen) was published in the prestigious medical journal in 2006, yoga and meditation have gained a steady, highly respected scientific place in the world.

Let's resolve to be happy from today

We started the journey of finding the address of happiness from the physical level. Then he talked about social relations, hobbies, philosophies, mental processes, virtue and in this article he talked about the ultimate path of the best practice of religion and spirituality. If we spend eight hours in business and seven hours in sleep, we have nine hours left. If we spend one hour of our daily routine, exercise, hobby fulfillment, fitness, creativity, reading, service to the country and society and spend the rest of the time in exercise and devotion and meditation, then surely we can be much happier.

So let us resolve to be happy from this moment on. And the more we implement all these things, the happier we will become. This is the 'address of happiness'.

Remember that the pursuit of happiness is difficult. But true happiness is nowhere else. True happiness is within itself. Not out. There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the path itself. The road to success is a different road. The path to bliss, peace, and longevity is quite different. Living a balance between the two through skill in human life, but in the end, to take the path of bliss and do self-welfare. Lord Mahavira repeatedly said to his disciple Gautam: 'O Gautam, do not neglect even a moment. Stay awake every moment. Be aware of your every thought, word and deed. And meditate on the auspicious moment. '

The keys to happiness

  • Don't compare
  • Protect the environment
  • Don't expect
  • Period in nature
  • Don't criticize
  • Groom relationships
  • Become a participant
  • True appreciation
  • Help with compassion
  • Thank you from the bottom of my heart
  • Make love
  • Follow the policy
  • Forgive and give
  • Control anger disorders
  • Cultivate hobbies
  • Learn new music, dance, art
  • Read good books
  • Do yoga, pray, do bhakti, meditate
