Where to look
Good book
Bend there
My head
A book submerged in the sea
Everything that is left is called 'Tyagi'!
Abandon it.
They leave the world, relatives, home, possessions, customs, everything. Can't even leave one thing. His ego. They have such an ego of being a recluse, of being a recluse, of being a recluse and walking away that 'they say with pride and arrogance that I am a recluse-haha-I am a recluse.'
There are many ascetics who become saints and monks in this way. Even though they are Tyagi, despite being called Tyagi, they live by becoming the ragi of the same raga.
In appearance he becomes a monk. Always keep hands high. As if their religion is to bless the whole world.
The ascetics who have become such ascetics are thus wise again, in their own way!
They are proficient in reading, writing, prayer, worship, discourse. They fascinate and stun the listener with their ball.
One such ascetic was traveling abroad by sea. He was not satisfied with his own influence in his own country. We should make the name of India (i.e. our name) known all over the world. Tyagi does not work only if he becomes a Tyagi. He had to become an apostate or an apostate. Peace only comes to their inner superstition or mercy. Otherwise the mind will be restless. Even those who bring peace to the world can be restless. There are only. Such ascetics establish their own monasteries, ashrams, sevalayas, sadhanalayas. The disciples stand up. The disciples sing in public the glory of their great renunciation.
Living with our Tyagi-Maharaj with a childish disciple, for his service.
The work of this disciple in the ship was to spread Swamiji's applause.
This ascetic saint was well known for his memoirs.
They remember what they read. Just a single reading.
Just remember the page you read. Probably will be remembered. But he had a little bit of his own memory. That is why I have not read the page of the book or thrown it into the sea. Ask what you want to ask! Remember everything, letter by letter.
He made a seat in the middle of the ship. If a page that is read over and over again is thrown into the sea, the concentration is broken. So he said to the disciple: "Abandon."
The disciple had to throw the torn page into the sea.
Lasted. Too long. Even with age comes oblivion. Memorized verses and words go back and forth. With age, faults and errors began to arise in his discourse. But his disciple was always with him. That child had now grown up. With Tyagiji his memory became memorable.
So in the middle of the whole discourse, if Tyagiji seems to forget something, he says:
Once upon a time. Tyagiji was lecturing on the same book! But now and then they would get in trouble. His disciple was sometimes irritated. Then Tyagi says: "A book is a must. How can it be verified without it? But ... but ... we tore the book and threw it into the sea. "
The disciple says: "Not us, Tyagiji ..."
Tyagi says: "Yes, yes, I ..."
"No, Tyagiji," said the disciple, "it did not happen."
Tyagi says: "So?"
The disciple says: "I have saved all the pages, then bound them." That's when it occurred to me ... that even if Tyagiji remembers, why should I tear up such a good and useful book? "
"You thought so, didn't you?" My disciple, are you? ”
"Yes, Guruji," said the disciple, "it was good for you to remember. But if the book survives, it will be used by others. If it is preserved in the library, it will be an enlightenment and a memory-rhythm for some people, for many people.
'' Disciple! Disciple !! "Tyagiji exclaimed:" This good deed, this memorial, this noble deed, did you do it? "
Without any ego, the disciple puts the revived book in front of the Tyagi Mahatma and says: If the book survives, it becomes a healer of amnesia. "
Tyagiji admitted that Tyagi is formed only when the raga of renunciation ceases to be sung. The book is self-explanatory. Goddess is the offspring of Saraswati. He must live, must live.
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