Age religion.

Surrounded by the old rotten beliefs of lice, this society can change only when a person completely changes himself. Everyone talks about changing the situation but by changing one's state of mind, by awakening one's best resolutions through the power of thinking, if one changes oneself, this whole society will change.

Times have also changed when human beings have changed. The atmosphere changes as soon as the outlook changes. If one person is formed, then age is seen to be formed. Age formation, age change are very heavy words. How is that possible when heterogeneity, selfishness, stupid beliefs, etc. are all around? Let us meditate to understand the pillars of epoch-making.

1. Theism: Theism guides a person, and teaches him to abide in the discipline of divine power. Theism is also that which does not make a person a fugitive but makes him dutiful and doable. True devotion to God A person who has true devotion to activism will give utmost importance to duty.

It is the duty of the body to be considered the temple of God. And through self-control and regularity and to be kept healthy, wholesome and strong. Keeping the mind clean, blameless and sinless is just as important as physical well-being. If mental health is good then life force also survives.

. Collectivity: Unless the spirit of collectivity develops, everyone will think of the interests of all instead of his own; Until then, the empire of narrow-mindedness and selfishness will be all around. The mantra of spiritual communism is our interest in the interest of all. Today it is a pillar of unity, equality and social justice. We should think of 'not me but all of us' and eliminate false discrimination of race and gender.

. Citizenship, Morality, Humanity, Virtue, Politeness, Generosity: Such virtues are the true wealth that makes a person human from a god. If the above qualities are brought to life, human beings will not remain without becoming great human beings.

Sadhana, Swadhyaya, Samyam and Seva are the four sutras that contain the entire introspection. After self-discovery, the establishment of good thoughts leads to strict control over oneself and to increase one's good deeds. Not only the spiritual progress of man but also the door of material progress is opened. Not only will it change but so will the environment around it.

. Giving importance to conscience over tradition and exaggerating the failure of the policy rather than the success of the unrighteous: If the conscience is awakened in the individual, the blind imitation of the Gaddafi current in the society will stop. It is only due to lack of conscience that evil deeds, vices, foolish beliefs etc. increase in the society. As soon as the conscientious eye is opened, it begins to go away. Today man is happy to succeed by taking the shortcut path of immorality but he has to repent.

. Kindness: If we expect others to treat us well, we should treat them the same way. "I will not deal with others in a way that I do not like," says Shriram Sharmaji, a Gayatri devotee who uses all the skills of managing public relations to make others his own, Sanjeev's learning and the art of living in one sentence.

Honesty and hard work are digestible. Wealth earned from immorality becomes a disease, becomes a leprosy, punishes a person in this very birth and explains the principle of karma in response to action.

. Revered and pious attitude: To have a mother-sister and daughter-like attitude towards a prostitute. Sexuality increases everywhere due to instinct, and other disorders arise. Half of the world's population is women. Only if they are treated with reverence and sanctity and if atrocities and exploitation against them are stopped, then together they can create a better and healthier society. They may live a conjugal life, but the main premise of peace is that human beings should not live an erotic life by considering procreation as a mere duty.

. Man himself decides his own destiny: man decides his own future. Being the lord of this extraordinary power, he should not hesitate to make such a proclamation. That if he excels himself and makes everyone else the best, then the age will definitely change. According to the principle of spiritual psychology of 'Tanme Man: Shivasankalpamastu', what an auspicious and best resolution that the age will definitely change because I am not what I am today. From today, I will not only be the best and the best, but I will also make others the best, just as iron becomes gold by trapping Pars. If this happens then the era will definitely change because then there will be a preponderance of men who value the goodwill of the best people in the society.

. Improvement and change: If we change, the age will definitely change, if we improve, the age will definitely improve. The era change has begun. If we believe that a new age is bound to come, if we continue to improve ourselves by changing ourselves, then the motto of '21st Century Bright Future' will surely come true.

- Harsukhlal c. Diameter
