Even in this country, the transmission of corona virus is slowly declining. So the public breathed a sigh of relief. But you have to be careful. Because cases of covid are increasing in many places in Europe and America, some doctors even say that the newly mutated coronavirus is more deadly, more stubborn.
According to a research, the world will face a terrible and deadly epidemic from Corona in the coming time. These epidemics will recur and become more difficult and costly to control. However, experts say that if the human race changes its approach to nature, it will be a little easier to fight such an epidemic.
According to experts, there are millions of unknown viruses in the environment that are even more dangerous than the SARS corona virus that causes Covid-12, which can spread the infection to humans at any time.
A group of scientists believe that nature itself maintains balance in various ways so that the population of different living beings on the earth does not increase exponentially, one of which is to try different weapons in the form of bacteria or viruses.
The important thing is the same. Nature does not allow any living thing to flourish to such an extent that it becomes a burden to its surroundings. Somehow controlling its population growth.
E.g. Under the soft feathers of the average bird, 30 species of micro-organisms make their home. And constantly sucking blood shortens his life. A fish named Remora sticks its blood-sucking scales to the body of another fish and falls on its leaf for the rest of its life and eventually kills the fish.
Such a law of nature applies to all living things, since the balance of the environment cannot be maintained without it. Scholars who have studied all living things in depth have understood this very well today.
Does the law of natural population control apply to mankind as well? Were the catastrophic epidemics that mankind has seen in the past accidental or was there a specific plan of nature behind them that insisted on a strict plan of environmental law?
According to a report, most of the current diseases like Ebola, Zika, Nipah encephalitis as well as influenza, HIV / AIDS, Kovid-12 are caused by microbes in animals. These microbes enter humans as well as livestock and animals through contact with wild animals.
The report further states that Kovid-17 is the sixth global epidemic after the devastating influenza of 1917 and like all other epidemics, it has been spread due to human activity.
Recently, the ICMR warned the Indian government that China's Cat Q virus could enter India. The virus can cause high fever in humans, meningitis and encephalitis in children.
Seven researchers from ICMR's Pune-based National Institute of Virology have been quoted as saying that the presence of the Cat Q virus has been reported in China and Vietnam. The virus has been found in Culex mosquitoes and pigs here. Experts warn that something similar to catechu virus has been found in Culex mosquitoes in India as well. The institute said CQV is basically found in pigs and antibodies against the virus have been found in Chinese domestic pigs. This means that the catechu virus has begun to spread its outbreak locally in China.
According to doctors, hot and humid weather helps in the production of viruses, 'Low temperatures cause the virus to grow and humidity provides them with a more conducive environment.'
"When it rained last week, we had more patients with respiratory problems. Now the situation is normal, but when the rains start again in the city, problems like chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), asthma and bronchitis will increase," said a chest physician. Said.
The period from July to October is considered a favorable time for viral infections to grow. But respiratory illnesses are also fluctuating this year due to late rains. ‘There is a slight increase in cases when the atmosphere suddenly turns blue. This type of weather is conducive to the spread of the virus. The physician further said.
The virus also comes with the rain water on the earth. A shocking discovery was made in a Canadian study. In this research, scientists have for the first time succeeded in detecting a virus that travels from the surface of the earth to the troposphere.
The troposphere is the lowest part of the Earth's atmosphere. Above it is a stratosphere called the stratosphere, on the surface of which jets fly. Scientists at Grenada VV and San Diego are now trying to find out how much dust particles and other elements flow at an altitude of 300 to 4000 meters above the earth's surface. The findings show that most of these viruses reach the air through C-spray.
The University of British Columbia in Canada says the virus flies thousands of kilometers before returning to the surface. Since then, about 200 million viruses have returned to the earth's surface in one square meter every day. If this number of viruses is shared in Canada, there are 6 viruses per person. Bacteria and viruses are found in dust particles and sea spray from one country to another. Viruses are 21 times more likely to return to Earth than bacteria. Large numbers of viruses and bacteria are spreading in the Earth's atmosphere. These rains and desert storms are coming back to Earth from the Earth's outer atmosphere.
During a spacewalk three years ago, Russian astronaut Anton Sakhaplerov discovered unidentified bacteria from outer space. It is not surprising that bacterial populations exist in space. But these bacteria are newer types. So NASA scientists are investigating whether the bacteria have reached there from the earth or are there extraterrestrial life? If it is from outer space, where the bacteria came from is also the subject of investigation. During the space walk, the astronauts collected air samples from outside the International Space Station. As a rule, the samples were sent to Earth for testing in a Russian laboratory. Researchers there found unknown bacteria.
Anton said the bacteria must have gotten there all of a sudden. As their presence is not seen in the sample outside the previous space station. The laboratory orbiting the earth in the sky at an altitude of 200 km above the earth is known as the International Space Station. The space station is a shared laboratory of many countries. That is why astronauts from different countries keep visiting it. The first module of the 12th space station was sent into space 3 years ago. He then assembled the parts one by one to create a huge laboratory in space.
After researching the bacteria, the researchers recently revealed that it does not pose a threat to anyone. Although bacteria are extremely microscopic in size, they can be very dangerous. This is because many deadly diseases on earth are caused by bacteria. If these bacteria are detected in outer space then the question arises as to where they came from as far as the Earth's atmosphere is concerned, the presence of bacteria. These bacteria have been able to survive in extremely cold temperatures below zero. Bacteria often travel from Earth to space station or even with astronauts. These bacteria probably reached the space station from Earth in the same way.
An expert from the World Health Organization said that the cause of Kovid-12 or any other modern epidemic was not a mystery. He said that the same human activities that are responsible for harming the environment as well as climate change are responsible for the spread of these epidemics due to the impact on the environment. Increased use of land, agriculture, trade, production as well as consumption have serious side effects on nature and increase the contact between human beings as well as wild animals, cattle and pathogens. That is why such an epidemic is spreading.
The report further states that in order to curb such epidemics, contact between wild animals and cattle as well as mankind should be reduced to stop the spread of new diseases.
The report points out that once an epidemic spreads, it becomes extremely costly to control. A new drug has to be developed to prevent it. The whole system has to be set up for the distribution of drugs or vaccines as well as the entire economy is stalled during the epidemic due to measures like lockdown. Therefore, it is better to stop such epidemics from occurring, the report said.
If doctors find a cure for an infectious disease at the expense of hard work and lavish money, then nature is ready to throw away another deadly disease. It also seeks to cut the population by increasing the mortality rate of mankind, which does not voluntarily reduce the birth rate.
Now even pregnant women are haunted by the fear of an unknown bacterium. A team of microbiologists at IIT-B (Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay) has discovered that bacteria found naturally in the female reproductive tract can produce toxins and cause fetal death or premature or early delivery in the womb. Bacterial infections are generally blamed for the increased risk of fetal death and premature birth. But no traces of bacteria were found in the fetus before this research.
However, the present study shows that the direct presence of bacteria is not necessary to cause such harm to the pregnant woman. In the study of IIT-B, B.A.R.C. And the National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health.
Anirban Banerjee, a microbiologist who led the IIT research team, said that the harmful bacteria found in the reproductive and urethra of some women produce toxins and can damage fetal cells by reaching the fetus.
Banerjee hopes that the research will help prevent premature births and stillbirths and treat them. The team is now studying the effects of bacteria on pregnant fetuses.
In the face of every onslaught of nature, mankind has always been able to find a cure and correct its population growth. He has been constantly violating the laws of the environment. Now it seems that there is such a thing as law. Wandering nature has begun to create viruses that do not even know where they suddenly drip from and do not even have a drug to kill them.
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