Cold protection: The science of warm clothing

In summer, warm woolen sweaters, hats, etc. are worn to protect from the cold. We call these clothes warm clothes that protect us from the cold. They are not really hot but are heat insulators. The heat dissipates into the atmosphere by heating the surrounding air. If a cup full of hot tea is left out for a while, the tea will cool down. It transfers heat to the atmosphere. If the temperature of the atmosphere is low i.e. the amount of cold is high then the tea cools down quickly.

We feel cold because our body heat is transferred to the atmosphere in the same way. Wool is a heat insulator, it does not transfer heat, so if there is a woolen cloth around the body, the body heat does not go out, so our body heat is retained. In addition, wearing a sweater also stops the evaporation of sweat so that heat is retained. Wool clothing protects the atmosphere from direct contact with air and wind. Thus, woolen clothing protects from the cold in three ways.
