How can a person live in this 'Panchamkaal'?

* How to live in this 'Panchamkaal'?

* Questioner: Kanaiyalal c. Shah, 3-B Mary Gold Residency, Women's College Chowk, Near Cosmo Complex, Rajkot-1

Twenty-one meanings are given to the word 'Pancham'. The words 'Pancham Aaro' and 'Panchamkaal' denote the value of Kali Yuga. 'Pancham Aro' means 'Fifth Aro'. According to Jainism, Kali Yuga, the fifth Aro of Avasarpini period. Pancham period is considered to be 21000 years. During this period the decay of the good thing and the inferiority of the lower thing increases. The word 'surrender' literally means to go down, to go down. The descending period according to Jainism. In 'Bhagwad Gomandal', according to the opinion of Acharya Shri Hemchandraji, the period of ten crore crore crore years is considered as Avasarpini period. As the followers of Vedas etc. give four divisions of the period called Satyug, Tretayug, Dvaparayug and Kaliyug.

According to Hinduism, Kali Yuga is the last of the four epochs. This is known as the age of iniquity. According to Mahabharata and Manusmriti, this age is considered to be 1000 to 1500 years but mythologically it is considered to be Kaliyuga of 2000 years.

In 'Bhagavad Gomandal' Part-1, the special features of Kali Yuga are described as if the people decide that the secular religion will be the religion. Foresight will be lost. People will be liars. Fathers and sons will see revenge and hatred. Good deeds, rituals, and sacrifices will cease. Evil will increase like sorrow, calamity, disease, labor, error, anger etc. In this way the people will start rushing towards destruction. There is no measure of human life. The five places of Kali are called Vaas. Woman, 4. Gambling, 4. Alcoholism, 3. Bio-violence, 3. Gold.

All the vices that are seen in Avasarpini period will be seen in Kali Yuga.

Kali Yuga will become the age of 'Kamarajya' and 'Damrajya' as opposed to Ram Rajya.

Now the question or problem arises why to live in 'Panchamkaal' or Kali Yuga? Virtue is replaced by immorality, policy is replaced by immorality, modesty is replaced by hypocrisy and untruth, holiness is replaced by deceit, faith is replaced by betrayal, fidelity is replaced by disloyalty, and when chaos and destruction are everywhere, how can one live in such a distorted environment? Configure?

The worldly and ascetic outlook on life may be different. But there are also some life-affirming principles and ideals, which can make life noble and happy. Living life can be thought of in five ways.

1. Personal life, 2. Family life, 3. Social life, 2. Country-worldly life, 2. Self-reliant life.

If we start with personal life, we should be proud of the fact that we have got such a rare human life. So our first duty is to be 'manurbhav' i.e. to be a man, to be a gentleman. The noble doctrine of religion can be a guide for us. 'Ratnatrayi' as prophesied by Lord Mahavira Swami means Samyak (true) knowledge, Samyak Darshan and Samyak Charitra can make life holy and pure. Five Mahavratas: Satyavrat, Ahimsavrat, Asteya (not stealing), Aparigrahavrat (not collecting) and Brahmacharyavrat; In order to live a life of friendship, merriment, compassion, moderation and piety, magazines, pratikrama, etc. can also be adopted as much as possible.

Family life can be happier and happier with respect, tolerance, a sense of duty instead of authority, a spirit of compromise, a sense of adaptation, a sense of belonging, respect for family members, young and old, pride, renunciation of condemnation and bitterness, and unconditional love.

Like Lord Mahavira, in Buddhism, the Tathagata Buddha also considers the four Aryasatyas in terms of personal and family life, namely, the cause of sorrow, the cause of sorrow, the prevention of sorrow, the cause of sorrow, the path of retirement as necessary for life. Craving is the main cause of sorrow, so by destroying craving, forgiveness, non-violence, compassion, as well as the middle way and Panchsheel Charbhavana and by adopting the four efforts in life, the way has been paved to make personal and family life holy and pure and pleasant.

Man is a 'social animal' so his life in the society should be member, cultured, tolerant, harmonious, non-violent, free from malpractice, pious, eager to preserve the dignity of others, compassionate, service-minded, forgiving, self-sacrificing and equal, jealousy, hatred, slander, envy. Social life can be healthy and clean only if it is free from adultery and fragrant with the spirit of love and doing good to others.

Man owes many benefits to the nation. To become a patriotic citizen, to embrace the spirit of self-sacrifice and devotion to the country, to embrace peace, harmony, unity, brotherhood and interfaith harmony in the country with the spirit of loyalty, virtue and speech, behavior, behavior and harmony. If he makes a humble contribution to the progress and enhances the pride of the country, then man can feel the satisfaction of performing his duty towards the country.

Like the country, the world has many favors on us. Scientists of the world have worked hard day and night to make human life happy, comfortable and joyful. We have made many discoveries in the field of medical treatment to cure and eradicate diseases etc. It is part of our noble way of life to contribute as much as possible to world peace by adopting the spirit of cosmopolitanism.

Adherence to the characteristics of 'sthitapragya' described in the second chapter of the Bhagavad Gita also paves the way for man to become an excellent human being. Karan has shown the importance of renunciation of contentment, ego, affection and desire and contentment which can help in making life noble. The four purusharthas of life include Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. The ultimate goal of the spiritual path is to attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death by following the religion i.e. duties and humanity in life, earning money in a sacred way, making the desires noble and increasing the sattvic virtues.

Eleven vows i.e. non-violence, truth, asteya, celibacy, asangraha, body labor, taste, renunciation of fear everywhere, equality of all religions, indigenous, touch have been described as life vows. The principle of a 'happy' life is that your life should be an open book with every page open, every sentence clear and readable. In the words of Kanhaiyalal Mishra the true way of life is not that we keep crying for what we have not got.

By trying the right way of life, we evaluate what we have achieved, adapt it, take interest in it and feel satisfied. In Kabir's words, keeping the sheet of life 'two-stained' and returning it as a God-given deposit is the meaning of life, but the pity of our life is that our time to live is spent in the pursuit of life, not in living. Living a humane life is like a pilgrimage in any age, any time because life itself is the greatest pilgrimage.
