How to drown in a river lake, how to dive into a sandy desert?

There are many different countries in the world, one of them is considered to be the leading country in many countries! The call of one country is heard all over the country. Resource country. Its prosperity is also considered supreme! Even the most powerful one is such that if everyone doesn't believe in it, it will be ruined! Nothing works for anyone beyond that! This is the face of the world! Just like a country in the world is leading the way, in a country where the fame of a city or town is sounding! And the town has a luxurious home with a population of hundreds of homes! The present generation has no duty to establish this position. That value is inherited value. The house is centuries old and has a centuries-old heritage! There is a very large family in that house.

It is a wonderful union between family members. Each member is a gentle and sociable member by nature. He has nothing to do with making the house prosperous but all the virtues of maintaining the inherited value are found in each and every member of the house. Because the elder who is the head of the house is universal. No one can dare to talk about it. But the elder's problem is that the house is not visible from the outside. The pomp of the house is due to the words of the elder.

In reality the situation is dire. To cope with the situation, the elder is constantly on the move. Going out in front of the people of the village, doing kalaludi, kalavala and subject to various conditions to create a few conveniences, eighty percent of these conveniences are spent on their personal pomp. The remaining twenty percent falls short in maintaining the value of the whole house in convenience. Attempts are made by the elders to cover up the situation but do not cut back on their personal luxuries.

As a result, the cracks between the fingers of the elder's closed fist have become a reality and family members have become aware of the internal situation of the house, as well as the policy of keeping the elder's fist closed! But the family members of the house maintain the faith of the elder. That Amanya has taken the form of devotion.

So no one can tell him anything. Sometimes, if someone is foolish enough to talk about this, not only he is considered as an opponent of the elder, but also as an opponent of the dignity of the whole family.

As said earlier, the present generation has no contribution in creating this status, this status, this identity. All this he has inherited. Now it is difficult to maintain that legacy. Even if you have a normal home and a normal family, the drums of this inherited identity sound loud enough to be heard in the suburbs.

The family is helpless to obey the elder's command! Must believe! The family members have come to know that this house is no longer expensive, it is in debt! To pay off that debt, family members are told to stand on their own two feet and stand on their own two feet! The elder himself goes around borrowing, and advises the family members to get on their feet. It does not go down well with family members. The members are trying to get on their feet, they have been able to get on their feet but the house is getting more and more indebted.

No one lends anymore. Inherited treasury bottoms out! Now one asset after another is being sold at the back door. Those assets are also inherited. The legacy is being sold. However, the habit of eating khonkhara does not go away. Even the hoarseness is heard now that the family members do not understand whether the elder coughs or sneezes?

It's not like anyone doesn't understand anything! One thing everyone here understands is that Jatakmani is Zindabad! Inherited jazz does not last! Heritage always makes a man extravagant and extravagant. Everything is ruined in debauchery. People have seen the third generation of those who have inherited being ruined.

One of the elders of the same wealthy family in the past advised the family members to stand on their feet and suggested that the key form of walking is 'there is no alternative to hard work'. You have to work hard to change the situation. Hard-earned solid and durable.

The selling position is rare. The legacy is being sold. Because there is no hard work in the heritage. It also takes hard work to sustain the heritage. And the legacy of hard work has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. Where there is hard work, there is no pomp without reason!

It is also often observed that families living below the hereditary norm have an insistence on maintaining a spirit of joint family. But the concept of a joint family is put in jeopardy when the inherited man turns to hard work. He wants to be able to stand on his own two feet. And when he stands on his own two feet, the man becomes self-centered. He does not care about the family. The value of the house or the value of the house does not matter in this view.

Then he turns to his own welfare. If we look at this at the national level, the people have fallen. Political leaders do not think for the welfare of the country as much as they want the welfare of themselves and their party! And when their own interests are compromised, they also kick the party. In his view, first the chair, then the party and then the country comes third.

There is no grain in the house, no stove to light the stove, and nothing to cook, and the mother says to her son, Come on son! Sit down to eat! Itching to fill the stomach! Don't go hungry! My mother has suggested me to eat on a full stomach, it is my mother's affectionate voice, my mother has told me to eat on a full stomach, but my son is confused.

Can't say mom Not only have you cooked anything, but what to eat? Here even the mother is helpless that she can't tell her son that son! What do i cook I don't even have a handful of grain! There was so much in the house when the stove fire was burning in the stomach! A lot of things didn't come together. Every year a little bit was added to it and a lot of things came together. But that doesn't happen anymore. Now the costs have gone up. There was not much savings to add.

It's not like nothing has been added anywhere! There were only two pairs of clothes in the closet. Clothes were added to it from time to time, today the closet is full of clothes! Vehicles added! Hospitality and hospitality continued to grow. If you have made friends with big people, you have to live like adults. Those people are big and look big. They don't have to spend anything to look big! We are small and have to pay extra to look big.

It cost us a lot of money! Also brother! You have to sit down to sit with adults, don't you? Debt is maintained. We are the man of the house no matter what! Do you have to maintain the value of the house? But there is a lot of trouble. So far I have maintained my debt but now there is no lender. Where to get rid of debt! Now one item of the house is slowly starting to sell.

Right now I have my eye on Abhrai. Which vessel to sell? Hearing this, the son also died of hunger! He began to think that if he looked at Abhrai now, all the utensils would be sold one by one! Suppose tomorrow someone comes and lights the stove, but if there is no cooking pot in the house, then what should we cook? My poor mother can't say that you won't throw everything at me. You take your fork now! You become self-reliant now! The son is in awe. He thinks that even if we plunge into the river lake, how can we dive into this sandy desert? Becoming self-reliant in this situation is a harder task than unleashing a hurricane!

There is a saying in Gujarati that if you invest capital, you get capital! This means two things! If you put your own capital or someone's capital, you get capital! You have to invest capital to do business or any business! But in the cult of humanity, service cannot be done without investing capital to do human service? But our politics has also tarnished the service.

The service is now a business, so you have to get a five-year contract to do the service and go through a complex problem like an election to get that contract. And to win an election or pass a five-year contract to serve, one has to invest crores of rupees. There is a profit policy behind the investment.

No one invests without calculating profits. Crores of rupees are spent on elections. Is it a kind of capital investment? So will the crores of rupees behind this election be spent without calculating the profit? Public service is just a banner. And under that banner there is a business of crores of rupees and a business of five hundred percent profit. It is up to the voters to pass the contract of these people. Voters have not yet realized that those who serve the country should vote or the merchants of the country should vote. Voters really need a servant. But now the word servant is not in the currency.

The word is now in the dictionary. No more servants. All leaders are gone. That is, the servant has now become a master. If you look in all the political parties in the country, you will not find a single servant! There is a lack of many things in this country, the biggest lack is of servants. If the lack of a servant is removed, all the shortcomings will be got rid of!

Stumbling block

Nasib mein jo teri zulf ka saya hota,

Gamon ki dhoopne itna na sataya hota!
