'Osiris Rex': Asteroids 'Bennu' succeed in collecting soil and rock samples

Na Sae has recently created a new history. However, America is not the first country to create this history. Japan, a small country, has done this before. It has also been successful in collecting soil samples from the surface of asteroids. This historic event sets a new record for NASA. This is the third event in space history. Earth has been able to collect soil and rock samples from distant asteroid 'Bennu'. This success has been achieved by NASA's state-of-the-art robotic spacecraft 'Osiris Rex'.

A spacecraft named Osiris Rex has managed to land on an asteroid named 'Bennu'. Landing a spacecraft on any planet, satellite or asteroid is not an easy task. When such an event is taking place, even the lives of ordinary human beings, including scientists, are in danger. We have understood this very well at the time of landing the record lander on the moon. Why did NASA finally need to send a space mission on the asteroid "Bennu", which is smaller than a minor plane or asteroid? What is the significance of this phenomenon in the history of science?

What are asteroids?

A small rocky meteorite orbiting the Sun, which is considered to be very small compared to the planet, is known in astronomical terms as an 'asteroid'. Recently, in order to classify a planet according to international standards, a planet - a planet, an asteroid - a minor planet, a small asteroid and a microscopic meteorite smaller than it is known as an asteroid.

Like planets, such asteroids orbit the sun. There are many asteroids in the solar system. Most of these asteroids are located in the asteroid-belt between Mars and Jupiter. Some asteroids have also been seen orbiting the planet.

The question is, where did the asteroids come from? The formation of the solar system began about 2.5 billion years ago. Scientists believe that at this time there was a collision between the air cloud and the cosmicist. At such times the particles in the center of the cloud combine to form a planet. But when the process of planet formation is not complete, a variety of solid rock objects are scattered. Shortly before the formation of the planet, and after the formation of the planet, the pieces of debris orbit around the sun in the form of asteroids.

According to a scientific theory, there was a huge planet between Mars and Jupiter. As it split for some reason, its increased debris-like fragment formed the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The asteroid belt keeps revolving around the sun. Are all asteroids the same? The answer is 'no'. Each asteroid is irregular in shape, not completely round in shape. Some asteroids are hundreds of kilometers in diameter. While some asteroids are about the size of our volleyball. Asteroids are mostly composed of metals such as nickel and iron.

Why were asteroids chosen?

There are more than half a million asteroids in the solar system. So why was the asteroid 'Bennu' chosen for the NASA mission? The first reason behind the choice is the distance between the earth and the 'Bennu'. This distance is 1.50 astronomical units. An astronomical unit is the average distance between the earth and the sun. Which is equivalent to 12.5 crore kilometers. The closest asteroid to Earth is known as the 'Near Earth Object'.

The orbit of the asteroid 'Bennu' is similar to the orbit of the Earth. Also the angle of rotation is less. For the NASA mission, about 3,000 'near earth objects' were on NASA's list at the time of selection. Of these, only 12 asteroids were considered suitable for NASA missions. The diameter of the asteroid is small. It orbits at very high speeds around its center.

It is easier to get a rock sample from a small asteroid. Because of its motion, the object on the surface is thrown out of motion. For which the ideal diameter of an asteroid is considered to be less than 200 meters. Adding this characteristic, only 4 out of 12 asteroids grew. Another criterion for selection was the composition of the asteroids. NASA was looking for an asteroid that had a high carbon content in its structure and had not changed much since its origin.

NASA had information about the primary structure of only 12 out of 9 asteroids. Only 4 out of 12 asteroids were created during the creation of the solar system. Out of which only asteroid 'Bennu' was selected. Significantly, Bennu has not changed much since it was formed billions of years ago. The chemicals and rocks from the time the solar system was born are stored in it. It is even closer than Earth. These are the main reasons for the popularity of the asteroid 'Bennu'.

The relationship between asteroids and NASA

The asteroid belt is thought to have formed at the time the solar system was formed. If you want to get information about the formation of the solar system, if you want to delve deeper into the history of the solar system, asteroids are proving to be a wonderful astronomical 'test-sample'. NASA has launched several missions to get information about asteroids. In 2001, NASA launched a spacecraft named 'Near Schumacher' on the asteroid 'Eros'. In 2011, a spacecraft named Dawn passed through the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

He also studied Vesta, the second largest asteroid in the asteroid belt. The Vesta asteroid, an asteroid, is huge. In 2013, the Dawn spacecraft orbited the dwarf planet Ceres in the asteroid belt. In 2013, NASA launched its ambitious space mission 'Osiris Rex'. The full name of 'Osiris Rex' is as long as 'Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security and Regulation: Explorer'. After a gap of about two and a half years, NASA has succeeded in collecting rock samples from the asteroid Bennu.

This is a historic moment for America. This is the first time in NASA history that a rock sample has been obtained from an asteroid. According to NASA's plan, it is planned to collect about 50 grams of samples from the asteroid 'Bennu' and send them back to Earth. Images obtained by NASA show that spacecraft seem to have collected more than 50 grams of rock samples. NASA has spent about one billion dollars behind this mission. It was launched on September 9, 2012, by an Atlas-3 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida. On December 3, 2016, the spacecraft 'Osiris Rex' entered the orbit of the asteroid 'Bennu'. About 30 kilometers from the center of the asteroid Bennu, the asteroid was observing Bennu.

The Osiris Rex mission of the unidentified asteroid Bennu

NASA set up a research team to study asteroids. Named the "Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research Team". The 14th asteroid "Bennu" was discovered by scientists from the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research Team. The asteroid "Bennu" has a diameter of 200 meters. The asteroid "Bennu" is about the size of the Empire State Building in New York. The asteroid "Bennu" is 3 million kilometers away from the Earth. Scientific studies have shown that the asteroid "Bennu" is made of a porous substance. Bennu is a weak asteroid in structure. So it can be crushed even with less force. So that more soil samples can be obtained. That is why in 2014, NASA launched its ambitious space mission "Osiris Rex".

It takes about 15 minutes for a message to be exchanged between the Earth and the asteroid Benn. Before the asteroid upturned down, the spacecraft orbited Bennu for two years at a speed of one million kilometers per hour. Came close to the nightingale crater of 'Bennu'. An 11-foot robotic arm was used to collect soil samples from the surface. It took 15 seconds to collect the soil sample.

However most samples were collected within the first three seconds. NASA will pack the samples and bring the soil samples to the Johnson Space Center in Houston at 204 via the 'Sample Return Capsule'. Rock samples brought from the moon fifty years ago are preserved here today. Samples of the asteroid "Rayuguna" have been collected by Japan's Hayabuza spacecraft and are scheduled to land in the Australian desert on December 6, 2020.
