Shame instead of punishment.

There was a huge palace in the middle of Na Gar. In the vast courtyard of the palace a garden was made in a side corner. There was a lawn with a green carpet. A huge neem tree grew in the corner. Next to it was a board tree. On the huge plants of Bordi, clusters of reddish-brown bore were lying. Some branches of neem and bordi fell on the road behind. In between was a large wall. In the cool shade of the evening, a Maharaja was sitting in a big chair reading a newspaper. Suddenly a stone from the roadside side of the wall hit a tree branch of Bordi. Twelve ripe bores fell into the roadside space. An old but weak and poor man began to put the fallen bore in his mouth.

The stone used to break the bore hit the forehead of the Maharaja who was sitting in the garden next to the wall. The edge of the throbbing blood began to flow. There was a boom from the maharaja. The soldiers ran. They ran to call a dewan or a doctor. So some soldier went to the side of the road from which the stone came and caught the old Dosa weaving an unknown bore. And presented it to the Maharaja who was being caught and bandaged. The old man began to tremble knowing that such a big Maharaja had accidentally hit the stones he had thrown. All were looking at the old man who was throwing stones at the Maharaja with a look of hatred. And the Maharaja began to request the Maharaja to punish this old man harshly in the sky. What happened to the old man happened to me today. I sat down to eat the stones in the temptation to eat the reddish bore due to hunger. But how did he know that the Maharaja himself was sitting in the garden inside the palace? He looked in front of the king with a cold look.

The Maharaja ordered that I be taken to the living room first. And come take this poor old man too. Let's punish him right today! Throwing stones without seeing it, will it work? What if my head was torn? The soldiers were very happy to hear that the Maharaja would send him to jail or whip him today. Dosso was also trembling, trembling, trembling at his own broken destiny.

The Maharaja glanced at Dosa and said: 'Did you throw the stone? Doso looked down and said: "Yes .. Namdar!" The Maharaja said again: Why did you throw the stone? In response, the old man said in a hoarse voice, "Namvar!" I live in the opposite village. Came here to shop. Was hungry all day. The money was missing. I can't walk on an empty stomach so I saw the bore of this board to put a little too much in my stomach, and there was a road side. So the stone pierced me a little. So that I can fill my stomach and walk as far as I can go to Maragam! I did not know that you would be sitting in the garden inside - I have inadvertently bit you! I'm sorry. An error occurred.

Maharaja says: Did you really not know that I would be sitting on the other side? The old pair of hands says: 'No, Maharaj did not know! It happened to the soldiers and the viziers that they should be severely punished without doing so. So Diwan said: "Tell me what punishment you have decided for this dosa!"

So Maharaj laughed faintly and said to the treasurer: 'Munimji! Bring a bag full of fifty one rupees and give a horse and a whole dress to this old man! Today is his punishment! Hearing this, all became dizzy, instead of punishing the poor old man who broke the Maharaja's forehead, Sharpav, reward? The Maharaja revealed that if a thorny tree board gives a sweet bore to the one who throws stones at him, then I am the Maharaja of Bhavnagar! I have to be different from the board! And how did this grandfather know that I was sitting in the back? Otherwise the beat? It just happened unknowingly. How can a hungry person go to his village on foot if he is not bored? So give a horse costume and a bounty of fifty one rupees from Bhavnagar State. The old man and the soldiers, along with the Diwan Maharaja's courage, remained captive. '

That Maharaja was Krishnakumar Singhji of Bhavnagar !!

- Yusufmir
