Advice: Writer's advice to print!

- Vocabulary-Paresh diameter

- The French writer-philosopher Walter says that those who give this opinion have caused more havoc on this small earth than plague or earthquake.

- There is a piece of advice about giving advice. Give only if you want. If you tell a story or an illustration in the form of a story, it will stay in your mind and will be remembered

Dream in the eye, haiye mansuba

If you are full, save the charu

Keep the weave of Sambhavami

Save us face to face once

- Pranav Pandya

Is this poem a request to God? Or does the poet advise God? Or does the poet express his personal opinion? It seems to be the same thing, but if the poet is a devotee, he makes a request, if the poet is an expert, he gives advice and if he is a critic, he gives his opinion. And yes, the poetess, in general, could be any of these three!

The two words Advice and Opinion seem to be the same. According to Gujarati lexicon, advice means advice and advice means teaching, enlightenment, teaching, intention, opinion, opinion. And what is an opinion? Opinion means opinion, opinion, perspective and ... advice. And advice is advice! Thus both the words are one and the same. According to the prestigious Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word 'advice' originated in the English language in the fourteenth century from the original French word 'avesar' or 'avis'.

It basically means: opinion. That is why both the words are born in the synonym Gotra. Also .. for example you are going to do something new. One has to ask, what if we do that? What to say then Asking to give your 'advice'? Or ask to give your 'opinion'? In a recent interview with CNBC, Robert Cialdini, a professor of psychology who has been working for the last 3 years, spoke well.

He said that whatever idea you have, whatever plan you have is acceptable to your co-worker or your superior, they will tell you wow, this is great, now do it Kankuna, you go ahead, we are with you. If so, what to do? Thus, of course, nothing can be done alone. It is true to ask. Just take care of one. The same word change. Seek 'advice' instead of 'opinion'. If you mistakenly ask for an opinion, the other person will mentally take a step back and become your critic. Critic means Critic, Critic, Examiner, Critic, Critic, Critic. Of course the word babuchak is misspelled here.

Thus prasamale means to write any word? !! Babuchak atlekamakkal, stupid, bhot, bothad, jad, mand, bewakuf, botdu, gamar. A critic called a babuchak little? If it is, then it is not true There will also be, let's get to the basics. The critic will not help you to come up with a new idea because it will raise objections. But what if you want advice instead? So the Sami person will mentally come one step closer to you. It will feel like you have a partner in your idea or plan.

As a partner it will all help you, embody your idea. Novelist Saul Bello says that when you seek someone's advice, you are looking for someone close to you or someone close to you. For the same idea or planning but just turn a word and get the expected result. Advice is knowledge based, someone has experience, someone is an expert in this matter so we seek advice. Opinion depends on what the giver thinks personally. We have nothing to do with anyone's personal beliefs. Should there be work? Always seek advice, not opinion. But to decide whether the person you want is qualified to give advice?

And the matter of Salah Karma is different. Of course, giving advice is very easy. There are countless people in this world who go about giving unsolicited advice. Unsolicited advice is really needed by the giver, not the borrower! Says unsolicited advice is the junk mail of life. We know junk mail. There are so many types of emails in our email account.

Deleting it will get you nauseous! Junk mail means letter scrap. So our advice is not to give unsolicited advice. Advice is the lowest denomination coin according to the Devil's Dictionary, which is counted among America's best first hundred literature books. That means no money. Just, what to keep? What's up now?

There is a piece of advice about giving advice. Give only if you want. If you tell a story or an illustration in the form of a story, it will stay in your mind and will be remembered. And yes, it shouldn't be too long. Coming to the point as soon as possible. Understand only if you say it briefly and only then arrive. And to respect the advice you give. Trying to look down on it is not okay. Look, we gave a lot of advice by saying one! And last but not least, the headline made you read this article. Yes, warranty can be given.

Long-term support can be provided. But whatever you say, say it from the heart. Speak honestly. And opinion? Avoid giving it to anyone who wants it. The French writer and philosopher Walter says that those who give this opinion have caused more havoc on this small earth than plague or earthquake.

We say that there are more complex, specific and vulgar opinions about the Kovid epidemic than plague or earthquakes. One final advice for: Don't give your opinion about the epidemic. And if you are not an expert (i.e. you are a vegetable) then don't give advice to anyone about it. Iti.

The rest of the word

'I give advice to someone not to take anyone's advice.'

- American actor, comedian, singer Eddie Murphy
