Management thinkers have to study the complex system in depth

- Management-Dhawal Mehta

- When we get covid infection, our body takes thousands and millions of immune measures. The physical chemical processes of this step take place in a 'blind' way

- Charles Darwin discovers the theory of 'Survival of the Fittest' but no species evolves consciously

Rd wave woman

We do not know when the third wave of the Kovid epidemic will begin and how long it will last and how many people will suffer. All statements in this matter are speculative. Not scientific. The epidemic of covid is an example of complexity theory. One important concept of complexity theory is the emerging system but no complex system is governed by consciousness. In it, a believer should not see superconsciousness. Emerging systems emerge in a ‘blind’ way. That is the result of thousands and millions of variables. The evolution of mankind is also ‘blind’. Charles Darwin discovered the theory of 'survival of the fittest' in it but no species evolves consciously. The current covid often changes its form and is also 'blind'. Because the virus does not have a nervous system. It spontaneously changes its species. The virus has no willpower of its own.

Unconscious processes

Our bodies take thousands and millions of immune measures when we get infected with covid. The physical chemical processes of this step take place in a 'blind' way. We are unaware of it. It works outside the consciousness of our body so our consciousness or willpower (or Lord's remembrance) does not work to resist Kovid. Marhashi Arvind's tool to take the evolutionary process forward through the development of 'Atimanas' can be considered as 'Wishful Thinking'. Our body's immune system is part of a very complex system, so the statement that human birth and death are in God's hands also needs to be critically examined. We have handed over all non-deterministic systems to God.

The confusion of science

Complex systems have also created a situation of confusion for science. All scientific models and model-based theories are based on causal relationships. Most scientific theories are formulated in the form of mathematical equations. Based on these equations you can make predictions (such as eclipses, motion of planets, etc.). Our ecosystem, our body, our immune system, semantics, hurricanes, etc. are examples of complex systems. This branch of knowledge has emerged only after 150. It does not run models of science causes and effects.

Uncertainties in the business world

Strategic management suggests that we plan for the long term. If long-term planning is five or ten years, there are so many unforeseen events in that period that hardly any company succeeds in achieving long-term goals. The business world is full of uncertainties. The structures of industries are constantly changing. E.g. It is difficult to know what effect an industry will have on other companies if an important product or process is discovered.

Therefore, industries need to formulate set targets as well as guidelines. For example, the guideline of the General Electric Company was that we should be number 1 or number 2 in the industries we enter. There are no future stories in this statement but it has proved to be very useful as a guiding line for the company. We are all aware of the fact that Kovid has shaken the structure of the pharmaceutical industry. In a short span of only fifty years in Ahmedabad, even though the textile mills were closed or collapsed, no one could have imagined it.

No matter how good strategic thinking is, these mills cannot survive in their present form. Only Arvind Mills is a vivid example of a 'complex adaptive strategy'. Another vivid example is Torrent Pharmaceuticals which has assimilated the Brilliant Complex Adaptive System. Both of these companies are excellent examples of 'proactive' planning. The name 'Amul' should also be added to this. Each of these has built its own flexible management system. What does this have to do with complexity theory? The relationship is that the 'adaptive' system comes in handy when the situation is quite complicated. In this climate of uncertainty, companies will have to brainstorm with different scenarios.

Stages of history

At every stage of history there are traditionalist conservatives, modernists who accompany them, and postmodernists who go beyond the ideas of these moderns. In this way understanding progresses, but it can also lead to regression (such as Taliban-dominated governments or societies) in management. There are strict followers of Frederick Taylor who want to keep the workers in a framework and call standard work and standard compensation scientific management.

In contrast, modern management considers itself a valuable asset to the staff doing this work and makes every effort for their development. They design works in a way that makes them fun to work with (not just job satisfaction). In the language of management, the management of the conservative tradition is considered as Theory X and the management of the modern tradition is considered as Theory Y. Basic knowledge like Theory X and Theory Y Kakko and Barakhadi is considered for all students who have taken management education. Postmodern times arise after every modern age.

Going beyond Theory Y or modern management thinkers, the concern of postmodern management thinkers is deeper and more impractical to many. Bureaucracy) (ranked higher). Its main feature is that the company's goal is to gain control over the people who work for it. Postmodernists recommend a bottom-up structure, not a top-down one. At present, power relations between companies are unequal. In the language of postmodernism, this is asymmetrical. A thinker named Harbor Marcus

Says it raises a lonely man (One Dimensional Man). Thus the social and economic needs of the workers of the companies are satisfied but the highest need of a passionate human being which Abraham Maslow calls 'self fulfillment' or 'self actualization' does not happen in our organizations. The above two English words mean the full development of man's powers and the highest self-satisfaction a person gets through that development. Of course, many scientists working in R&D accounts experience 'self-fulfillment' even though the current companies' structures are top-down.

One of the strongest demands of neo-modernists is to remove the dominance of one person or group from another in our society and in all workplaces. . In our work world (in the company or in many other places of work) the structures of exploitation and domination are hidden. Remove them. The most important concept of modernists is liberation. Liberation means emancipation. Theologians have interpreted it quite differently. Anu moderns mean liberation from exploitation and wealth in such a way.

This is the golden goal for women. The communist ideology spoke of emancipation only for the workers. Karl Marx's idea of ​​exploitation in Germany was narrow and semantic enough, while the modernists of management think of liberation for all spheres of social life (including gender). The idea of ​​emancipation from the now worn out ideas of communism is very broad.
