Use of bacteria in the treatment of cancer

- Discovery-Dr. Vihari shadow

- If the temperature of the cancerous tumor area can be increased to 3 to 4 degrees Celsius, it will be easier to destroy its cells with chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

The living organisms are known as microbial bacteria. There are many types of bacteria and people are afraid of them because they are the cause of many diseases. But most bacteria do not apply the disease. Certain bacteria are also useful to our body. But we don't know that.

The first bacterium is believed to have been discovered in 18 by Lou Van Harke of Holland. Bacteria come into the classification of animals in the organism. It has thousands of species. Numerous bacteria live in soils, in oceans and in rivers and in freshwater lakes. It is also found in isotopes. And is also found in fresh rain ice at the South Pole. Most bacteria are non-harmful. And are also useful. The average size of a bacterium is 3 to 4 microns (1 millionths of a meter).

It is stained to identify bacteria. Based on this, there are two types, Gram positive and Gram negative.

Bacteria can also be magnetic. I.e. has the property of magnetism. It is called magnetotactic bacteria. In the 19th century, when a scientist observed a drop of water in a shallow lake and cuts through a microscope, he saw that the bacteria were swimming in the same direction and were gathering on one side of the slide. But these observations did not prevail. As late as the 19th century, Richard Blackmore discovered magnetotactic bacteria. It is now well established that a group of magnetotactic bacteria called heterogenous bacteria of different shapes are found in water.

It is known in low air environments. Or found in airless cuts and reservoirs. It tends to move up and down. So that the level of maximum oxygen concentration can be reached. This movement is due to the earth's magnetic field. The magnet properties of magnetotactic bacteria are due to the magnetic crystals. These are called magnetosomes. Inside the bacteria, magnetosomes are arranged in a chain. It aligns these bacteria to the earth's magnetic field so that the bacteria can move in that direction. Apart from these bacteria, these magnetic crystals are also found in other animals. It includes birds, tuna, dolphins and green worms. Which should probably be in them for directional nonyan. Magnetic bacteria are used in scientific, commercial and other uses. Whole bacteria are used to determine the location of magnetic poles and to detect fine-grained magnetic particles in meteorites. It is always known where the concentration of oxygen is low. So it is also used to cut the bottom of the ocean and to separate its radioactive substances from the waste water in the water above it. It has been found that live magnetic bacteria are used in the biosynthesis of nano gold particles. Some antibodies are made from the crystalline magnetosomes of bacteria. It is used to maintain immunity. These magnetic bacteria can be useful in many ways. That is why research has been done in many laboratories around the world.

According to a recent research paper published in the year 2020, it has been considered as a promising agent for the treatment of cancer. Due to the chain of magnetosomes formed inside the bacteria, their scheduled guiding ability is taken advantage of. Magnetotactic bacteria are conceived as nanobiotics. It can be guided by an external magnetic field. These bacteria are naturally attracted to areas such as cancerous tumor areas.

If the temperature of the cancerous tumor area can be increased to 3 to 4 degrees Celsius, it will be easier to destroy its cells with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit [40 C] make it easier to destroy cells. This is called hyperthermia. Magnetotactic bacteria are emerging as an attractive candidate for hyperthermia. The chain arrangement of the magnetosomes in it maximizes the thermal energy efficiency. As a result, when a bacterium is arranged parallel to a magnetic field, its thermal energy efficiency is maximized. These bacteria have higher thermal energy efficiency than magnetic hyperthermia caused by magnetic nanoparticles used in the treatment of cancer.

These bacteria are not pathogenic in themselves so they can be used as biomedical agents to deliver certain types of drugs. Of course, research is still being done in this direction and only time will tell to what extent it will be successful going forward.
