* The camel is a well-known animal of the desert. Camels living in heterogeneous climates have many peculiarities. There is a saying among us that a camel has eighteen curves but only the shape of its body keeps it alive in the desert.
* Because the legs of a camel are long, its body stays far away from the heat of the ground and as the neck is long, the brain stays at a great height from the ground, so the effect of soil heat is less.
* The camel has a hump on its back. The camel that grows in the Gobi desert has two humps. It is wrong to say that water is stored in a hump. It stores excess body fat.
* The soles of the camel's feet are padded so that it can run at speeds of up to 40 kmph in the sand.
* The camel has two eyelids and hair over the ears to protect it from heat, wind and flying sand.
* Camels are vegetarians and eat almost all herbs.
* Bactrian camels grow thick hair in winter to protect themselves from the cold. This hair falls out in summer and its smooth skin reflects sunlight and relieves heat.
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