Gayatri-Veda mother in Adyashakti

Gayatri Mantra: Om Bhurbhuva: Self Tatsaviturvarenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Na:


Meaning: We hold the life-form, the pain-killer, the happiness-form, the best, the radiant, the antiseptic, the divine form at our distance, that God inspires our intellect in the right path.

Gayatri is the goddess of wisdom in this power. Pragya means wisdom. This intellect is similar to Kamadhenu in human life. It is said in the Upanishads: 'O Goddess Gayatri! White Padma is your seat. The radiance of the universe is your shadow. You yourself are the form of light. You are the only meaning in speech. Hey Divyangini! Sprinkle the rays of wisdom on all our lives and enrich us with knowledge. '

It is said that what the soul needs most is wisdom. Acquiring common sense is such a great benefit that no other achievement or wealth can survive compared to it. Wisdom is the essence of life. Smayak is the vision of life and is the marvelous form of the soul. Gayatri is the name given to the manifestation of the soul's longing, thirst, aspiration and cry for the best benefit of this wisdom. His vehicle is a swan. The conscience that awakens the vision, realizes the good-natured, inspires one to walk the path. He has a book in one hand and a kamandal in the other. The book inspires us to cultivate interest in Swadhyaya and Kamandal to keep our mind as pure and cool as water.

Gayatri's mother is Vedmata. Four Vedas have become the definition of its twenty-four letters. As mentioned in the scriptures

The Rig Veda became the definition of the title of 'Om Bhurbhuva: Self'. The secret of 'Tatsaviturvarenya' is found in Yajurveda.

The philosophy of 'Bhargodevasya Dhimahi' is contained in the Samaveda 'Dhiyo Yon: The powers of Prachodayatat are found in the richas of the Atharva Veda.

Gayatri Mata is also called Devmata. It refines our thoughts in our hearts. As a result, we feel not only our own family, but the whole society and the world. That is how the quality of divinity develops in us. Our conduct becomes ideal. Thus Goddess Gayatri takes the seeker to a higher position.

Gayatrimata is called Vishwamata. In that way it is the power of God. Which is omnipresent in the atom, pervading the universe. The belief, spirit, way of thinking and working style of this great philosophy of Gayatri makes the seeker's conscience feel a joy to behold. The closeness and compassion of the Mother of the Universe leads to liberation from bondage and retirement from narrowness.

The glory of Gayatri Mantra being the best of all mantras has been unanimously accepted by all the scriptures and sects and sages. The Vedas praise Gayatri. Who is the giver of age, prana, children, wealth, fame, wealth and divinity. Just as the essence of a flower is honey, the essence of milk is Dhrita, so the essence of all the Vedas is Gayatri. His worship purifies the intellect. The body becomes healthy and there is humility in nature. Memory develops. The mind is purified. By his grace, the life of the seeker becomes successful.

- Kanaiyalal Raval
