
Once upon a time there was a war between gods and demons. The gods won that war because they were on the side of religion. And those who are in favor of religion. God's grace is always upon him. But the gods felt that this was the victory of our heroism. Then Brahmaji thought that if ego grows in the gods, then the big vice will increase. So Brahma manifested as a party. The gods could not understand the form of Yaksha. He requested Agnidev Yaksha to go and find out who this Yaksha is. Agnidev went to Yaksha. Yakshe asked- who are you? ' That is why I am famous as Agni.

Yaksha mana malkaya em? If you are so famous, you will be just as powerful! Immediately Agnidev said - powerful! Oh, I am inanimate or conscious. I can burn the world. 'Yaksha came to mind again. He placed a firecracker on the ground in front of Agnidev and said - 'Agnidev, just burn this firecracker and show it. So you really! Agnidev made many attempts to light the fire, but the fire did not go away. Exhausted, Agnidev returned.

Then sent to the famous Vayudevata as 'Matrishcha'. He also could not blow up the firecrackers. Finally the gods sent Indra. But before Indra could see, the demon disappeared. Indra understood that this Yaksha was no ordinary person. He meditated and worshiped Shri Hari. Then many times mother Parvati appeared there. Parvati said- 'This Yaksha is Parabrahma Paramatma himself. The gods won the war only by His grace. It was just an occasion. What the gods consider prowess and victory is actually their infatuation and ego. Brahman had to appear as Yaksha to dispel their illusions. So that they may have an understanding of God's grace. '

From this story of Canopanishad we should understand that the feat of the heroes, the penance of the ascetics, the strength of the Ojasvis or the reward after any excellence is the grace of God.

Grace means God's grace, God's blessing, God's love. When all our limbs are safe, do we thank God for seeing a blind, deaf, lame, or crippled person? We never want to tell God that you have given more than I deserve. If not..thank you. Don't complain about what's not.

In one region of Mexico there are springs of cold and hot water. Residents first soak their clothes in warm water and then soak them in cold water. For the people there, this is truly divine grace. But if a tourist from outside comes and asks, they say. 'It's all right now! There are cold and hot waters but it would be better if there was a spring of soap and soda water. ' What is in the concern of what is not, what is received, if one lives life by understanding the divine grace, then life will be joyful.

- Surendra Shah
