North End of the Earth: Arctic Circle

The North Pole region of the earth is covered by the Arctic Ocean, as well as parts of countries including Canada, Russia, Norway, Greenland, Finland and Sweden. This area of ​​about 3 lakh square miles has a wonderful geography. Akirtak is named after the two constellations Great Bear and Little Bear in the northern sky. In Greek it means close to a bat or a bear. The area is always covered with snow. The lowest temperature was recorded at minus 3 degrees. Some features of this area are worth knowing.

* Ten percent of the earth's freshwater is stored in the form of ice at the North Pole.

* Marine areas like polar bears, whales, seals live in the sea area like ice.

* The area is rich in fish natural gas and some minerals.

* Gray whales in the area travel 1,200 miles to and from Canada each year.

* The polar regions also have a population of about 3 million.
