True monk.

The youths were sitting pranking each other. I saw a monk coming from a distance.

That was the time. Sadhus-saints-Bhagwadharis were more respected than today.

The youth stood up and paid homage to the sadhu-mahatma.

The monks came on foot, so tired. Seeing the respect of the youth, he came and sat on the thief. I drank some water from the kamandal brought with me. He had a Rudraksha garland around his neck. Zata was increased. God's garments adorned the body.

His hands were moving over the beads from time to time. Sometimes a long beard turned white. Sometimes squeezing the big chin with both hands. Sometimes touching the mandala and sometimes holding the garment in the hand, the Lord felt the thrill.

One young man was surprised. He asked the Mahatma the reason for doing so.

The monk replied instinctively:

Did you see Grandpa sitting on the porch of the house in front of you? How much love does he play with his children in his lap? Grandpa is affectionate with his children so often plays them. His love. Their faith makes them feel happy to do so. Just in that way my faith is ingrained in my saffron. Contained in my long haul. Contained in my garland and my mandala.

These external devices constantly make me realize that I have left the world and become a monk by giving up the love of the world. For me, for faith and devotion, garlands, zata, kamandal and Bhagwan wear are everything. May its holiness be perpetuated. I am thrilled to touch these external devices so that I can take pride in it.

Such a devotional price can keep the sadhu awake to sustain the sadhu.

- Nathalal Brahmakshatriya
