What to do in a medical emergency? What not to do

During his medical career, a doctor has come across a variety of epilepsy cases. Doctors make some inferences from their own experience and draw conclusions. A retired doctor with a similar medical discretion says that there are some cases in which you have to deal with adequate vigilance. For example, what would you do if you had an eye injury or an ear problem? Below are some such cases and also information about its treatment.

To be wounded

It is quite common for a hand to slip somewhere rather than work or for something to be taken into consideration. This is when the edge of the blood often bursts. In English it is called Regis Nichanj. When the wound or incision turns red, understand that the effect of the wound is deep. Inadequate care in such a situation increases the chances of infection.

The thing is, you have to be human, no matter how careful you are, sometimes, somewhere, there is an injury. Let's assume that we are helpless in it, but you can take care that the wound does not have serious consequences, right?

If you have a wound, first take steps to stop the bleeding. If nothing is found for this, press a clean piece of cloth on it with a lot of pressure, this will reduce the bleeding, do not use any tool to stop the bleeding by mistake.

Then leave the injured area and clean the surrounding area thoroughly. Clean the wound with soap or just water. Antiseptic creams can also be used. Wipe that part thoroughly with cotton.

Apply antibacterial ointment on the wound, but one thing to keep in mind before applying the ointment is that you are not allergic to the ointment.

Then required. Properly bandaging the injured skin will not affect the outside environment and will heal quickly, but check that the area is clean before bandaging.

Cleaning the wound from the top will not turn anything. For this, clean the part every day and make a new cotton.

Take special care that the skin of that part does not become too dry or cracked. This problem will not go away if you take care of that part regularly.

If you have not had a bow injection in the last five years, take it within 6 hours of the injury, as you have been injured by an iron or other metal object and if you have not had a bow injection, have further bone problems, paralysis or any other serious type. Illness can occur.

Be careful not to let too much sunlight fall on the wound.

Injury to the ear

Injury to the inside of the ear is usually not immediately noticed, but an injury to the ear can be serious. In particular, if an infection has occurred, the cause of the ear injury may be an excessive cold or flu. If the cold does not go away for a long time, that is, it only increases, it causes bacteria to grow in the inner layer. Pain in the ears as a result. Or even less audible. Causes of ear infections in young children include excessive crying, frequent ear tingling, fever or vomiting.

There is another very common reason. Eustachian tube connecting the middle ear and the nostril. (Eustachion Tube). Getting blocked

This tube is very thin, connected to the inside of the nose and the middle ear. When this tube is blocked for one reason or another, the pressure on the middle ear does not remain the same, so it affects the eardrum and causes pain.

This type of injury is very common. Especially if people are traveling by air and they have a cold, the chances of the eustachian tube getting blocked increase.

What do you do to get instant relief from ear pain at such a time?

It may make a difference if you pour warm water into the ear as a short-term relief.

You can get immediate relief by taking an aspirin tablet, but do not give aspirin to a child under 12 years of age.

The lining of the ear is very delicate. So don't use hairpins, paper clips or anything else to clean it.

Don't make the mistake of putting warm oils or other liquids in the ear for immediate relief.

What if you are sitting in a plane and the pain increases?

Swallowing something to open the eustachian tube Keep your mouth engaged in the activity of swallowing something when the pilot announces to fasten the belt at the time of plane landing. Because of this you will be able to get relief until you can consult a doctor. For this you can chew candy or anything else.

The eustachian tube can still open if you keep your mouth wide open while you are yawning.

If you are asleep and not in a position to chew something in your mouth, go to bed asking the flight attendant to wake you up.

Injury to the eye

The eye plays an important role in displaying the values ​​of your mind. If there is a tingling sensation in the eye or any other reason, the area around your eye becomes swollen or the eye becomes red. There is no problem if the swelling subsides after a while and the vision is right, but if it is not clear then understand that there is a deep injury in the eye. In such a case, it is advisable to contact a doctor immediately. Once you are sure that the eye is OK, you can take steps to correct the problem.

Discard if you wear contact lenses, as the lens can affect the cornea due to injury.

Pour water on the eye for five minutes. Pour water until the eye opens.

Keep an ice cube in the cloth and rub it lightly to remove the swelling on the eye.

Clean the injured area frequently with mild soap or water to prevent bacteria from accumulating or any other infection.

If there is swelling on the eye, do not try to rub that part by hand.

This way you can prevent any serious consequences by taking a little precaution in the above mentioned cases.
