Actress Neha Pendse, who made her debut in the Hindi film industry as a child artiste with 'Pyaar Koi Khel Nahin' in the year 19, gradually spread her wings and made a name for herself in Marathi as well as South Indian film industry. However, he got most of his fame from the daily serial 'May I Come in Madam'. And right now the actress is on popular TV. Anita is playing the role of 'Vibhuti Narayan' in the show 'Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai'. He has also done a Marathi film 'June'. The movie is being released on the newly launched Marathi OTT platform.
Neha says about her film that this movie is about love and friendship. But here the general idea about your love goes wrong. Also its name is quite different. And why it is named 'June' is understood by the viewers in the very last scene. I don't think there is a better name for this movie than this.
The actress further says that we wanted to release this film only on OTT. But its channels usually show films-series that are seen all over India so we were a bit confused. But I am also happy and proud that the Marathi OTT platform was launched with this film.
Neha believes that if a friendship develops between people from the same industry, it is only a matter of selfishness or envy. True friendship can only develop between people from different fields. Only those who pass the test of time are called friends.
In 'Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain', Neha stepped into the footsteps of actress Soumya Tandon, who was frozen in the show. And he was constantly tormented by the fear that the audience would accept him in place of Soumya. He says I was in tension until the first episode with my role was released. But the serial creators had full faith in me. However, I was already allowed to play the role of 'Anita' on my own. And now I'm glad the audience accepted me.
It has been more than a decade since Neha entered the field of acting. Over the years, he has experienced both success and failure in Hindi as well as regional films. The actress says that now people know me by my name. But I want to be known by my work. And for that I will constantly struggle.
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