Paramatma makes man realize himself, Atma is the same Paramatma

Paramatma does not make man wait for his realization, but man has to become thoughtless, egoless by settling in his self-consciousness, Brahma-bhav and spiritual truth. Thus one has to cultivate pure sattvic holy qualification in life. Qualifications have to be built from a distance. In which attaining absolute purity, stability, truthfulness in life is the only achievement of life.

Thus one has to live in the form of spiritual truth by settling in spiritual truth. It is said that we have attained the qualification only if the ego and lust have to be nullified by settling in the Brahman bhav in the Atma bhav and by being fixed in thoughtlessness and in absolute silence. Achieve such a qualification, you are ready to give realization of Paramatattva Paramatma at the same second. As soon as you realize it, only God makes you form, that is the achievement of life and transforms you completely.

For this, the realization of Paramatman is not possible as long as we continue to attain the object by riding on the horse of our raga, dwesha, ego lust, work, desire and object acquisition and deceiving everyone. If a man develops his qualifications, then it is realized immediately.

For this man has to settle in his own soul and in the spiritual truth. One has to know oneself through the practice of meditation yoga. One has to know one's own nature. Assuming equality, equanimity, instinctiveness, simplicity, truthfulness and steadfastness in life, one has to deal and behave in life without making anyone in life.

Thus the first condition is to be completely fixed in the truth. A man who practices one hundred percent spiritual truth. He can only experience God in his own life. There is no other way but the building of realization can be built on the foundation of this truth. Paramatma itself is the form of truth, so it is inevitable to be fixed in the spiritual truth and Atma is the same Paramatma. The greatest benefit of life is that a person who walks the path of truth never suffers.
