Sonali Kulkarni had taken the first dose of Kovid-12 vaccine in April. But the actress had to struggle for it. He says no celebrity has ever taken advantage of being vaccinated on the basis of their popularity. He further says that the whole world is facing the same problem today. I also stood in line to get vaccinated. No one gave me VIP treatment. And I didn't expect that.
Sonali has done a lot of charity work during Koro's time. Yet he did not get the added benefit of arranging vaccinations for his elderly parents. "My parents live in Pune," says Sonali. I have worked for many charities. I did not charge a single rupee for any interactive session or fundraising. I haven't even spoken a word about the financial donations I made. I am also involved with fundraising organizations for backstage artists. However, when my adult parents got an appointment for vaccination, I was out of breath.
The actress is also saddened that even in such difficult times, there is no facility of financial security for the actors. He says we are not counted among the frontline workers. Entertainment is not included in the essentials. So there is no financial facility for artists in difficult times. I want more and more people to stand by the artists. I am sorry that we are not given importance at such times.
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