After the second lockdown, shooting of films and serials has been allowed and shooting has started everywhere. Bored artists sitting at home are starting to arrive on set. These artists also include Akanksha Singh. The actress says that only our work can move us forward. Corona has annoyed everyone. But now it's time to get back to work.
Akanksha has also started work on its new OTT project. In this anthology, we aspire to work with Telugu superstar Nani. He says that I worked with Nani in 'Devdas' in the year 2012. I got to work with him again so my happiness is unsurpassed.
The actress builds a pool of praise for Nani and says that she is a wonderful artist. Acting is instinctively curable. Akanksha further says that the stories of this film are written by Nani's sister Deepti Ganta. Dipti is also the director of this film. The film is set to release on OTT.
The actress is all set to do three other digital projects this year. He says the world of entertainment is undergoing a radical change. Incredible content is being served on OTT. Feminist stories in particular have dominated. One of the reasons I accepted this project is that it is weaving feminist stories.
Not only that, but his writing-directing is also in the hands of a woman. The actress further says that the time when female characters were not given much importance in films is now over. Of course, even today we are not given anything on a plate. However, the situation has improved to a great extent. The digital world has contributed to this change.
In my opinion the OTT platform is the future of the entertainment world. Writers are writing powerful roles for women. And viewers are also enjoying watching storytelling films - Syriza. The aspiration adds that now the choice of viewers has also changed. Zazo is no longer interested in watching movies that revolve around heroes and heroines. His interest is also towards a good story.
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