Can a seeker attain liberation by attaining various divine achievements through Shiva Yoga or Kundalini Tantra Yoga?
- Invisible World-Devesh Mehta
- It not only removes diseases of body and mind, but also puts an end to the vicious cycle of worldly disease i.e. recurrence, repeated rebirth.
'Nitya: pure Buddhamuktasvabhav:
Truth: Subtle: Sunviluschadvitiya :.
Anandabdhirya: On: Sodhamsmi
Pratyagdhaturnatra Sanshitirasti.
There is no doubt that I am the same
Free-spirited, truthful, imperceptible, omnipresent,
Unique, Anand Sagar and
Pasture world-
The perceptual subject lies within the interval of the group. '
(Maitreya Upanishad (1/11)
Thoughts have a special contribution to make in the new life. What he thinks happens in his life. In the end he is born again according to the price he has in his mind. It is said in verse thirty-one of the first chapter of Yogashikha Upanishad. 'At the time of death, the leopard remembers. Tattadev Bhavejjiv Ityev Janmakaranam. The animal is born in this world according to the spirit that rises in the mind at the time of death and this is the reason for rebirth.
Shiva Yoga very soon leads to self-realization. Yoga inhibits mood. The mind becomes stable, calm and healthy, so the realization of Brahman on the form of Sada Shiva takes place within the heart. This leads to the realization of immortality and victory over death. That is to say, the mind is the cause of man's bondage and liberation. If it remains restless and unstable in the company of those subjects, then it becomes binding and if it becomes non-subjective, then it causes liberation.
Yogashikha Upanishad shows - 'Manasa mana alokya vritti shunyam yada bhavat. Tat: Par par brahm drshyate cha durlabham. By looking from a fixed mind to a fickle mind, when the instinct is attained to the zero state, the vision of Brahman is seen on the rare (Chapter-3, Verse-3). We observe the external world with the senses. '
But all these senses - eye, ear, nose, tongue, skin etc. cannot do karma unless the mind is attached to it and follows it. For example, if our eyes are open and fixed on something, but if our mind is not attached to it, if it is thinking of something else, then we are not aware of it. It is for this condition that Lord Krishna in the Gita says in the Gita, 'Pashyan api na pashyati - even though he sees, he does not see.' He uses words.
Thus, the concentration of the mind comes from the restraint of the instinct of the mind. This is what we call a state of meditation. As a result, all the senses become spontaneously and instinctively detached from the karma in the form of external eclipse. At the same time, the scenes of external phenomena are not experienced. The disappearance of the mutable external phenomenon leads to the emergence of immutable perceptual consciousness. To be situated in it is the state of death. In the thirty-ninth verse of the first chapter of the Annapurna Upanishad, it is said - Tadev Kevalibha's Shantaiva Cha Tatsada. Calm state of mind is another name for lust. Bhagavad-g ધ્યાનt ધ્યાન meditation, the infinite state of the soul and the uninterrupted peace are also the same. '
Modern quantum physics supports the theory that the Upanishads and the texts of Tantra Yoga have given the principle of oneness, omnipresence and omnipresence of Brahman-consciousness. He has given the principle of Undivided Wholeness. Just as Tantra Yoga speaks of the gross and the subtle, the visible and the invisible world, so too physics today speaks of the gross and the subtle world. The outer particles of matter look solid but the microscopic elements inside it do not behave like hard particles like electrons, protons, neutrons, sub-atomic particles, photons. Just as Vedanta and Tantra Yoga describe the world as a mirage with false illusions, quantum physics also describes it as uncertain as seen from a set of virtual photons. The great physicist Werner Heisenberg gave the Principle of Uncertainty and showed that it is uncertain whether the basic unit of matter, atoms, will behave as a particle or as a wave. Its form is constantly changing.
Shiva Tantra Yoga gives the vision of erasing the illusions of Maya. Shivaji is called Tripurari or Tripurantak. Sattva, Rajas, Tamas are the only three qualities called Tripur. These three qualities are the pillars of the world. Shiva is Tripurantaka as it destroys the infatuation effect of these three qualities. Tripund is also connected with Tripura. Within it are the earth, space and the universe. It is in the content, as well as in (yashti-vyakti). Tattikti has an impenetrable relationship with Tripura. According to Kundalini Yoga, the power of Kundalini lies dormant in the center of the triangular Tripura in the Muladhara Chakra. It has been given the metaphor of a sleeping serpent.
Through the meditation-yoga with the restraint of the real mind, the power of Kundalini penetrates the lower chakras one by one, reaches the upper Sahasrara chakra and becomes one with the supreme Shiva. Knowledge alone gives Moksha, that is, 'Rite Gyananat Mukti: Mukti-Moksha cannot be obtained without knowledge.' It is called. Shiva Mrityunjaya and Shiva Tantra Yoga also make the seeker Mrityunjaya by the revelation of Shivatatva. In the fifth chapter of the sixteenth chapter of Yajurveda, Lord Shiva is called 'Prathamo Daivyau Bhishak: Adi Divya Chikitsak:' i.e. he is also the first Divya Vaidya or Physician. It not only removes diseases of body and mind, but also puts an end to the vicious cycle of worldly disease i.e. recurrence, repeated rebirth. That is why the Mrityunjaya mantra of Lord Shiva is said to be a medicine to cure a serious illness.
That birth-death is a little disease, suffering karmabandhanai: - It provides salvation by getting rid of all the bonds of birth, death, old age, diseases and karma. During the awakening, ascension, and disintegration of the Kundalini power, the seeker also attains many kinds of divine achievements. Thus, Shiva Yoga or Kundalini Tantra Yoga provides the accomplishment of life by making the seeker self-aware.
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