Ananya Pandey, the daughter of actor Chunky Pandey, who made her Bollywood debut in 2014 with a film, has started ruling the hearts of the people. She has a large number of fans on social media. When Chunky Pandey was asked what he taught his daughter before entering Bollywood, Chunky Pandey said, "I told her that the most important thing is not to imitate anyone's success as it is of no use to you, but you The success story is not one of underestimating or over-judging anyone. '
Ananya is also a social media sensation. His fans are more than 15 million. Which he enjoys. Asked about social media, Chunky Pandey said, "Social media is the best thing today. You can feel like or put whatever you want on social media. You don't even need anyone for public relations for this, yet there are encroachments on personal matters and many other things that have made social media infamous. There was no such thing in our days. Today, children have to be careful with it as they have to post on it, but later I say that if you live with the sword, you should also be ready to heal its wounds. '
Earlier, Ananya's mother Bhavana Pandey said how much the whole family had to endure due to the negativity on social media. Talking about this, Chunky Pandey said, "Initially, he was very upset and confused because of it, but after this, I told him that this is nothing human, this is an app." Why do you become so emotional because of it? I mean there are a lot of people on it, but that's not the end of the story. You can delete it anytime and you can go back to it anytime. So treat it that way. Of course, this is confusing, since you have personally read it all. Even though all this is not to be taken personally, this is a business. (Laughs). This is bound to happen. The trolling is not going to stop. '
"Now actress Ananya has taken a positive view of this," added Chunky Pandey. This is no longer an unprecedented event for our family, as everyone is now a troll. '
Thus Chunky Pandey has given his daughter Ananya a true and simple lesson on how to deal with the situation when she is trolled. At the same time, Ananya from the opposite side has also tied this knot.
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