- Does a marriage of the same blood engagement cause any defect in the offspring?
Question: Does a marriage of the same blood engagement cause any defect in the offspring?
Answer: Marriage in the same blood relationship is forbidden in many human races. So there are races in the world where such 'inter-related' marriages are not forbidden. Feelings of guilt for such a relationship prevail among the castes that have such taboos. In which such marriages are socially exempt. Not only that, building such relationships is often socially, economically and geographically necessary. No one in that caste feels guilt. There is no prohibition on such marriages in your caste so there is no place for guilt here.
It is also untrue to assume that such marriages result in a child being mentally retarded, crippled, or crippled. That is the truth. In children born to same-sex couples, the likelihood of inheriting genetic diseases from one family to another increases, as the sperm and the male sperm are similar in genetic makeup. For example, if there is diabetes in the family and both the sperm and the sperm have 'genetic codes' of the disease, the chances of inheriting the disease in the offspring increase. If there is no history of inherited diseases in the family and there is an overall healthy, wholesome family then there is no guilt in your race in such a marriage.
Question: Is it possible to have a fetus if you have intercourse on the days of menstruation?
Ans: Yes, if intercourse is done during menstruation, the fetus is likely to remain. Although the percentage of such probability is very rare, the possibility cannot be ruled out. In the genital tract, the germs that are thrown into the vagina after intercourse are likely to survive for up to eight days in the organs. So within those days if a woman's seed ruptures and falls into the fallopian tube and by chance (by chance) the seed and the sperm come together, the woman becomes fertilized.
Question: Is it possible to have a fetus by having intercourse in the rectum?
Answer: In this country, those who have no knowledge of the genital organs, the fact of where the fetus lives, the organ in which the fetus resides and develops. This ignorance causes sorrow and regret.
Having intercourse in the vagina semen is thrown into it. Semen contains semen. The cervix is located in the vagina. The semen enters the uterus through that mouth. The fallopian tubes are connected to the uterus. It's two. A woman's seed travels to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. These seeds and male sperm coexist to form a fetus. There are no ovaries in the way you ask so the fetus is unlikely to remain.
Question: I am a 20 year old virgin. I got married a few months ago, but it seems like my life has taken an eclipse since then. My husband’s penis is only two inches which is five inches at the time of arousal. Nor is it strict. Because of this we have not been able to have sex to this day. My husband is 6 years old. We used to masturbate before marriage. Isn't this why this question has arisen? Have they become impotent or can they be treated? Should I get a divorce in this situation? I feel very confused. Show me the way
Answer: Your confusion and your confusion is the result of ignorance about sexual relations and misconceptions about masturbation spread by people. A man who can masturbate, whose penis is doubled due to arousal. What could be more tragic than to be considered impotent or to be deprived of physical happiness because of it? No treatment is required. Faith needs to be instilled in the mind. Your husband needs a sensible partner who can overcome the ignorance that surrounds him with his skillful behavior and sexual knowledge. His confusion is also psychological. Which you are increasing instead of decreasing. An impotent male is unable to masturbate.
It is good that you both read some good books on this subject which give an understanding about sexual relationship. However, if there is any confusion, see a good psychiatrist. Masturbation does not make a man impotent.
The same thing is happening with your husband's question. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. It is not right to think about divorce.
Question: I am a student and I have poor eyesight so I wear glasses. I can easily read 10.15 hours without wearing glasses, when I do not have a headache or tears. Even when looking through a small hole, I can clearly see distant objects without glasses. However, show me a medical treatment method so that my vision is definitely right.
Answer: It is clear from the number of your glasses that you have astigmatogen. This is a common visual impairment. It can be removed with the help of glasses or contact lenses. There is no prescriptive drug that will stop the flow of emotions, though their effects can be curtailed.
It can be removed with a laser, but it must be done after twenty-five years. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.
Who reads how much, how long they read at night has no effect on vision. It is a common misconception that more study impairs vision. Study as much as you can and study hard.
- Anita
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