Beauty tips
Coparel is an inexpensive as well as magical moisturizer. Applying it benefits the skin. Coparel can be used on the skin in any season. But using this oil for skin care in monsoon is beneficial in rainy season skin problems. This oil is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It therefore protects the skin from fungal and bacterial infections caused by moisture in the air.
Applying this oil as a moisturizer on the skin and mixing it in a face pack makes the skin soft. Removes roughness of skin.
Coparel's marks
Coparel is full of many natural qualities that cater to every need of the skin. This means that the skin's immunity is enhanced as well as the skin is moisturized and whitened. It is rich in Vitamin-E, Fatty Acids, Vitamin A, Antioxidants, Protein.
Coparel can be mixed in any face pack. Then whether it is flour, sandalwood powder or chickpea flour, adding Coprale to it enhances the quality of this face pack which benefits the skin.
The special advantage of applying Coprale in the face pack is that it simplifies the process of removing dead cells accumulated on the skin. Softens the skin as well as benefits the face pack as a scrub.
Full of anti aging properties
The natural properties contained in coprale help to increase the amount of collagen in the skin. It removes wrinkles, pits, and fine lines on the skin. The collagen contained in it rejuvenates the skin by tightening it.
Start adopting Coparel in your personal life so that the skin stays young for years and is not affected by old age. Coparel, however, needs to be pure.
Makeup remover
Coparel can also be used as a makeup remover. Priyanka Chopra uses Coparel as a makeup remover. Such advice was given to Priyanka by her mother whom she still follows. Coparel removes makeup easily. As well as nourishing the skin.
Eliminates tanning
Coparel helps regulate the production of melanin in the skin. Therefore, applying Coprale as a moisturizer on the skin before going to bed at night or using it as a face pack or face scrub relieves tanning.
Beneficial in every skin problem
Applying Coprale on the skin only benefits the skin. It is the solution to every problem of oily, rough and combination skin. Its use maintains the pH level of the skin. That is why Coprale has been used by women as a cosmetic for centuries. As well as being natural it has no adverse effect on the skin.
- Surekha Mehta
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