The best service is Bhajan Prabhu Namsmaran. Medium service is what happens from the body to others. No, the service that is done for the lure of money by taking money is inferior.
Always obtained from policy, by eating food, the intellect becomes sattvic. Divinity should be ignited through virtue-thought, giving priority to virtue and goodness in the living being.
Ideals are attached to the way of our glorious Sanatan Hindu Dharma culture. One of them is ideal. To give alms according to one's lifelong religion according to one's power to repay the debt of the world. This ideal, which has been flowing for many ages, is still found among the heirs of Hindu culture. From 'Rai' to 'Rank', faith-small and big charities last a lifetime.
'Dharmadu' means a debt to be paid to the society in the form of charity by understanding the religion as a virtuous charity. To earn virtue by practicing Dharma. Donation-service should be done according to the power of body-mind-wealth. There should be firm conscientiousness. There should never be selfishness in doing charity. The established moral ideal should be firmly followed regardless of the pros and cons. Man can worship the doer-doer-doer of the infinite universe, the God who pervades the world, only through his Satkarma.
Service to the poor, miserable, helpless, weak, helpless, etc., should be considered as 'Daridranarayan'. According to the ideal of charity, many activities like food donation, clothing donation, medicine donation, education donation, service to dumb animals, cowsheds, hospices, festivals are seen taking place in the form of 'charity'. The scriptures call them great men. Such 'charity' activities should be done at no cost. There should be no self-proclaimed charity announcements, or any other lust. Ratna brings pride that I am a "charity". The water turns again on the good deeds done with pride. The two illustrations are understandable.
(1) Rana Khengarji of Kutch agreed and made the land cultivable through hard work. The farmer began to receive grain every year.
One day the philanthropist Rana Khengar saw this field flying with crops. He remembered that I had given 'charity' to this farm. His intellect deteriorated. He came up with the idea of taking back the farm and giving it back to the barren land. Rana told the minister who came up with the idea, the minister remained silent. It happened to the minister that the king's intellect had deteriorated. Have to be brought to a tactical location. The king sat in the chariot. The chariot was ready to move and the Prime Minister started cleaning the dust on the wheels of the chariot. The king asked in amazement, 'What are you doing here?' The Prime Minister replied, "Bapu! Even the dust of charity should not be kept. '' Hearing this, Rana's intellect came to the fore.
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