The glory of Shivopasna in Shivpuran

In Pau Ranik Shastras, 'Shiva Purana' is considered as the best scripture among the ancient scriptures. Its reading, listening, meditation is considered to solve all religious-spiritual questions. Through the recitation of verses in the regular 'Shiva Purana', the Kaliyugi human being who worships Shiva becomes pleasing to Lord Shiva and becomes worthy of attaining the position of Shiva.

According to the scriptures, regular recitation of Shiva Purana makes the devotion to Shiva fruitful. Apart from this whoever sings the praises of Lord Shiva. Or he who listens to someone's Srimukh, that person attains Shivlok at the end of the best sacrifice of life.

Introduction to the scriptures of Shivpuran: There are about 3000 verses in Shivpuran. There are a total of seven Samhitas in this great scripture composed by Maharshi Veda, in which the quotations of Lord Shiva, his incarnation period and the events that took place in it, the character of Shiva, his heroic stories and the special qualities in him are beautifully described.

It is necessary to read and meditate on 'Shiva Purana' to get acquainted with the wonderful and huge incarnation of Lord Shiva. The greatness of Lord Shivaji is beautifully described in this scripture.

Sage Vyasji countered Shivpuran by the order of Santkumar Muni. According to the Puranic scriptures, at one time Shaunakji asked Sutaji such questions as, how to attain Prabhubhakti including Gyan-Vairagya? How do the monks prevent evil deeds like anger, greed, lust that are harassing the common people? Most of the creatures in the Ghorkali Yuga are demonic, so what are the best ways to make them pure and divine?

Then Shonakji, while answering all these questions of Sutji, said, O sage! The mantra-verses that destroy the best chemicals and evil prices in all the scriptures are 'Shivpuran'.

In this auspicious month of Shravan, Shiva devotees should listen to 'Shiva Purana' with knowledge, devotion and faith.

In all the Samhitas of 'Shiva Purana', the fragrance of Parabrahma Paramatma spreads which the devotee of Shiva constantly meditates on Shiva Purana, which Mahadevji considers to be suitable for Shivpada. His devotional study of Dharma-Artha-Kama-Krodh is the success of all four purusharthas.

Shiva Vandana

Karpur Gauram Karunavatar,

Samsara Sara Bhujgendraharam,

Sada Vasant Hridayarvinde,

Namami including Bhav Bhavani.
