Tips for optimizing time management through StudyTime-Table

- Study-Hiren Dave

The most perplexing question of the students of these competitive exams is how to do time management to complete the syllabus in a very short time. And reading according to the time table is the best score-booster tool for time management. Today's competitive exams are an endless test to complete the course in a very limited time. Thus time-wise planning - realistic time management becomes essential for success! You get the idea of ​​reality (how much time to read). Proper attention is paid to how much time there is and maximum utilization can be made accordingly. Reading more from the time table motivates. 'Self-satisfaction' is achieved by completing the target.

How to become a topper by reading if everyone has the same time? Let's start with the most basic thing. Before creating a time table, consider your syllabus and how much time is left before the exam. Most of the candidates start reading reference books directly in the timetable. But that approach is not good. Study the question papers of the last few years before allocating time for each subject - see the trend of exams! See how important a subject is. Although Mark's weight will change with each passing year, a pattern will emerge. Understand the approach of the exam before reading the reference books directly. Then IMP will be realized and you will be able to read by focusing better.

Do not allocate the same amount of time for each subject in the timetable. The time required for different subjects varies. If some subject is simple or previously associated with your educational background, give it less time. While some of the more important topics are more time consuming. Instead of reading a single topic, create a time table in which one of your favorite topics and one tough topic are read together. Which never feels burdened. Mostly wake up and read a tough topic as memory is more when you have a fresh mind and read an easy topic at the end of the day when you are a little tired. Leave one week for revision every two months. If an unforeseen event occurs and what remains to be read can be covered up in this time.

After creating a timetable like this, create a daily timetable. Keep a few aggressive targets. If the target is met, watch a movie instead or go on an outing with friends and celebrate. Set aside 10 hours each day to sleep, eat, drink and exercise for meditation. Don't get frustrated if you don't meet a target. Even if 50% can be completed, it is very good. If you can complete 100% every time, then that target is very easy. Keep in mind 'mark sorry not sorry low sorry

Mark! '

No one can focus on one subject for more than 5 to 20 minutes! The mind wanders! So read 20 minutes, take a 10 minute break or read 2 minutes and take a 2 minute break. It will increase Mind Power!

Everyone's reading pattern is different. One can read for four hours and one can read for 12 hours. Someone wakes up early in the morning to read, someone reads late night. Someone prepares all day, someone prepares with a job, someone prepares for competitive exams amidst other types of family problems or responsibilities. Everyone's timetable has to be personalized accordingly. We cannot become toppers by copying the time table of toppers! Analyze your SWAT! And allocate time based on that!
