- Unveiled-Jay Vasavada
- The reduction that China has achieved by adopting a one child policy excluding the minority to the extent of compulsory conception, has come almost spontaneously in India without such a strict policy!
An actor who leaves his mark in the role of RV Kishan despite his normal appearance. Apart from Shruti Haasan's body in Sanjay Dutt's flop film Luck, it was said that the love of his acting would hold him. Anyway, after getting involved in Bhojpuri films, as he got older, he started waiting for politics. After becoming a BJP MP, the name came up in the discussion when he sniffed obscene songs in Bhojpuri films and recommended censorship! So chuhe mar ke billi haj ko chali jevo ghat ani j jilya's latamdmatakmatakpatak geet joi lage! Now, before the elections in Uttar Pradesh, the Population Control Bill came, despite doing favors at the national level, Bhai Sahib became a troll again because he has four children of his own, at a time when the country's average child is finally 'Hum Do, Hamare Do'. Coming on
Hang on!
Well, this issue, which is very important for the country, is one of the reasons why population control (why it is so important to do so in detail on last year's Republic Day ravipurti spectrometer) is not popular. It becomes a political stunt for the leaders, not a matter of conduct (who said Lalu Prasad Yadav's name?). This subject has to be taken seriously only during the emergency taken by Sanjay Gandhi or to eradicate the poverty slums by first stopping the number of children growing like rats. But hardly any popular leader at the national level has dared to take up the issue openly after his undemocratic agenda became unpopular.
Sad. Because, after independence, the first elected government in 18 came under the leadership of Nehru, who launched the world's first family planning program. Unfortunately, the country's population continued to grow by leaps and bounds. - Result? Dig a deep well (say a bucket). No matter how many subsidies or food rations of development schemes, the kidney population does not have an extra stomach. The glittering new spaces become crowded in the crowd! Poverty, filth, and crime are the root causes of all three. Infect, the Gangotri of corruption (shit, it should be called Gatrotri rather than a holy river like Ganga, really!) Is also in it. Where demand is high and supply is low, there will be shortages and then the parallel black market will open. Why - Haven't experienced it in Covid's Second Wave just now? From injections to hospital bed? The system, which is showing great helplessness, puts in the government's defense of 'why all this rush has been met', but the leaders in the population control hardly believe it! Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi have not contributed to the increase in the population of the country, but now if only those with two children are declared election tickets, the revolt will erupt from within the BJP-Congress!
Yet talk of population control is rife. As per the Common Civil Code. When it comes to leaving one's turban, chandlo or garland around one's neck in the name of personal faith, there will be an uproar in foreign countries, but the originals who talk about it here will be the target of Muslims - Manoman is happy. The same is true in this case. Apart from indirectly targeting the Muslim population growth, no one seems to be studying the subject in depth. A baseless narrative has crept in that population growth is what Muslims do in India. Give the statistics of the Government of India itself. It is only the blind people who do no social study except free comment on social media who say that it is wrong. Just now our Nitinbhai from Gujarat also made an election-oriented allegation that if the constitution, courts, etc. are all Hindus, then it is up to him. This will not be the case if the Muslim population increases.
That is true. The plight of Afghanistan is obvious. Western democracy is trying to bring Kamal Posha, a similar upheaval is going on in Turkey. In Islam, monarchy and monarchy are one and the same, so most Muslims in the world will seek democratic rights in Europe or America or other countries, but will hardly give it in countries where they have a majority!
Progressive liberal-looking countries like Egypt, UAE, Oman, Indonesia, Malaysia have seen the rise of radical Islam as has happened in the past in Iran-Iraq and where are the civil wars like Syria-Sudan-Libya-Lebanon less? Similar to Shia Iran or Sunni Afghanistan in terms of inertia. Despite being a darbha, it is a direct example of the internal divisions - Bangladesh separated from Pakistan.
But other facts like this need to be known only by WhatsApp messages. If sentiment is not a fact, then the reality is that there are 20 Muslim majority countries in the world. In addition, there are eight countries that operate on Sharia just like the official Taliban. Mortinia near the lesser known Sahara Desert of Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen and Africa. The rest do not fully comply with Sharia law, even if there is an Islamic majority. At least true.
Now let's talk about the Muslim population, many of whom are scared by reading mobile messages. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world at 33 million. Pakistan comes second with 20 crores, Bangladesh comes third with 16 crores followed by Egypt, Iran, Turkey etc. But if you list all the countries, not just Islamic, out of the total 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, there are almost nineteen and a half crores in India as in Pakistan! If we add Pakistan-Bangladesh which was separated due to partition, there would be about 30 million Muslims in India today! In a way, the partition has increased the Hindu majority in the Indian population to the extent that it will never be overtaken!
Yes, there is no chance of Muslims outnumbering Hindus in India. Not in the near or distant future. It is not a matter of belief, it is a matter of reality. With Evidence. Most of the data belongs to the Government of India! So where did the provocative messages that India will become Muslim in 2020 start circulating?
It is actually a rumor that the Pew Research Center in the United States has misinterpreted the census findings. In which he made the assumption (repeat, assumption, guess) that between 2020 and 2030, India may have the largest Muslim population in the world (ie more than Indonesia). But this does not mean that there will be more than Hindus!
The Pew Research Center estimates that by 2050, Muslims in India will be around 65 million, 12% of the total population and 11% of the world's Muslims. But in the same estimate it is written that then the number of Hindus would have increased to 1.5 billion (150 crores)! So Muslims will overtake Hindus, there is no such conclusion for India! In fact, many surveys and observations have put to work the intricate theories of mathematics like Duckworth Lewis and scientifically say that after just a few decades, India's ever-growing population (in 205-6, we will be the second most populous country in the world after China). Will arrive, from where its descending nephew will begin. After that, it will not increase, but after the explosion of a supernova star, it will start shrinking and becoming a black hole!
A study of China is needed to understand this. But now the keyword of population control is not population statistics, but TFR - a special thing to remember. TFR stands for Total Fertility Rate - Total Fertility Rate. This is the average number of children per woman. If that fraction is in the point, you have to laugh, but to understand that to say that the TFR is 7.5, then there are 6 children out of ten women.
In China, the TFR was 4.31 when the 13th dictatorial government implemented the one-child policy without any debate. He has 6 children by ten women. Now it has come down to 1.5. He has 14 children by ten women. At the same time, in 190, India's TFR was 3.2. He has 6 children by ten women. Today our TFR is 4.5. Twenty-two children by ten women. More than half fell in India, not so much in China. With China's strict one-child policy, the birth rate of 3.8 per 1,000 was raised to 14.51 in 190, when China introduced a one-child policy to bring the birth rate to 10.8. In India, the birth rate in the '70s was 7.15, today it has gone up to 12.5. Birth rate is an estimate of the number of new babies born.
The point is that the reduction that China has achieved by adopting a one-child policy excluding minorities to the extent of compulsory fertilization has come almost automatically in India without such a strict policy! In 2015, as the 'artisan' people got older, China introduced one child policy to two children. Which was our old motto Hum Do Hamare Do. So technically what China did with the deception, even if it is a little less than that, is happening there automatically!
And in this, the fertility rate of all Hindus and Muslims is declining. In terms of census, Hindus were 4.1% and Muslims were 2.3% in 191. In the last census of 2011, Hindus became 4.8% and Muslims 12.5%, so the Muslim population increased. According to the latest figures, there were 2.8 crore Hindus and 12.5 crore Muslims out of a total of 191.03 crore in the 2011 census. Certainly the number of Hindus has decreased a little every decade, the number of Muslims has increased a little. But the important observation is that the gap between the Hindu and Muslim communities was rapidly widening. For example, between 181-2001, the Hindu population grew at a rate of 12.5% and the Muslim population at a rate of 7.5%. But then between 2001-2011, the Hindu population grew at a rate of 12.5% and the Muslim population at a rate of 7.5%. Obviously the Muslim population is overpopulated. But we saw that the rate of population growth saw a decline of 6.15% among Hindus, and a decrease of 4.5% among Muslims! In other words, the already high rate of Muslim population growth has taken a break. If you look at the larger picture, as mentioned earlier, the population of Hindus continued to grow till 191 and the rate was 3.05 per cent in 191 which decreased to 4.5 per cent by 2011. Muslims accounted for 4.5 per cent of the 181st population
Was down to 7.5 percent in 2011!
Why so Three or four obvious reasons. As education increases, so does the average population. In addition, family planning in the middle class-upper class automatically comes as inflation rises (Zaza is considered to be a handful in the poor class, but as the number of children in the middle class increases, so does the cost of school fees!). As scientific temperament increases, so does the use of contraceptives, and the number of unmarried or divorced people who have fewer children has increased. Fertility is reduced in fast food lifestyle.
So there is no need to be overwhelmed by imaginary fears. Special in terms of Gujarat statistics. In 191, Gujarat had 2.3 crore Hindus (2.6%) and 2.4 lakh Muslims (2.3%). In 2011, there were 4.5 crore Hindus (2.6%) and 2.4 lakh Muslims (2.4%). Between 2001 and 2011, the fertility rate of Hindus in Gujarat decreased by 0.5% and that of Muslims decreased by 0.5%. (Hindus now have a rate of 8 and Muslims have a rate of 7.5, so the gap is not big!) At the national level too, according to the 2012 Government National Survey, the fertility rate of Muslim women is 4.5 (which was around 7 at the time of independence), and that of Hindus is 4.1. Yes, Hindus have 8 females per thousand males and Muslims have 9 females per 1000 males. The population of India was 31 million in 21.191 when there was no caste-based breakup in the census conducted by Viceroy Lord Rip. Adivasis were followed by Buddhists at 7.8%, Jains at 7.5%, Hindus at 2.50% and Muslims at 2.50% after 12.5%!
So to understand population control one has to understand the total fertility rate. Which is a mess outside of Forwardia folders. We do not yet have solid data on the 2021 census. But there are also surveys. Of course, this large scale survey is conducted by the government under the Department of the Registrar of Census, called the National Family Health Survey (NFHS). The breakup took place in 2017-20 after 12 states were divided into five Union Territories. But according to data from 2007 to 2012, fertility rates have declined in all states of the country, with the population not growing as fast as before. The national average is 4.5, which could be 1.2 in the M205 mentioned in Parliament. (Courtesy: Former Health Minister Harshvardhan) Birth rates have dropped in urban areas compared to rural areas. Where women are more educated, TFR has declined in the southern Indian state. Lower than the national average. The fertility rate of almost 5 was in India at the time of independence (remember how many were our grandparents' brothers Bhandarda!) Today, the so-called 'spoiled arbitrariness' has been controlled by the new generation! In UP alone, it has gone up from 7.5 to 4.5. There is a difference of only 0.5% between Hindus and Muslims. In Lakshadweep and Jammu and Kashmir, where the Muslim population is higher, it has come down to 1.5. In northeast India, with the exception of Meghalaya (2.4) and Manipur (2.4), the figure is between 1.1 in Sikkim and 1.2 in Assam. Gujarat is 1.2, Bengal 1.2, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra, Himachal 1.2. Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh have two and a half to three more.
Remember all these statistics. Because, India needs population control, there is nothing wrong with a yogi government. We will talk a little more about this in the unveiling next Wednesday.
Xing Thing
'Stop abortion at its root. Sterilize a man who is not able to be a father emotionally and financially. Can then be reversed. Why Why control a woman's body? Even a few men feel it! ' (Stephen Zebra's tweet)
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