Still in July, actress Geeta Basra and former cricketer Harbhajan Singh welcomed their son Jowan Singh. Although he did share photos of the whole family with the toddler, he avoided showing the toddler's face. 'The decision to keep it out of the public eye has been made deliberately. I did the same when my daughter Hinaya was born. Jovan is still very young and I don't think there is any need to bring him to the world right now. "We have no other choice, but I will keep it away until I have control over everything," he said.
The paparazzi incident happened with them a few years ago. Talking about this, Gita Basra says, "We went to visit the Golden Temple in Punjab and media representatives gathered around us and started taking photos of Hinaya. This frightened her and she began to cry. We had no choice but to leave. '
The third wave of Corona is coming and it is said to have more impact on the children, it is said. Gita Basra does not want to miss any opportunity to keep the child safe. ‘The newborn baby is in her house right now, I’m more careful for her. I also care a lot about who I meet. Harbhajan is not here and I am alone here with two children. So, right now, I can't take any kind of risk, 'said Geeta Basra.
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