- At a glance: Hershal Pushkarna
- Nilkurinji flowers have bloomed together for exactly 12 years in South India, an example of synchronization in nature
- Everything from the cells of every living thing on earth to the particles of the universe follow a certain, defined dimension. Everyone has their own rhythm; Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required.
An extraordinary and wonderful natural view is being seen in the Western Ghats of South India nowadays. In the mountains of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, at an altitude of three and a half thousand feet to six thousand feet, there are numerous flowers called Nilkurinji. Their perch on the mountain slopes is so dense, wide and extensive that the generally green mountains are now influenced by the purple color of Nilkurinji. Another month or so will be the effect; After that, the flower bed sheets will gradually become smaller and thinner.
Considering that blossoming, withering, re-blooming of flowers in the open of nature is considered a normal thing — and it is not surprising that the earth changes its body according to that order. But Nilkurinji is different. The blossoming of these beautiful flowers is said to be a bit extraordinary because Nilkurinji follows a certain pattern arranged by nature. The pre-determined timetable is 15 years, according to which Nilkurinji spring came out in the mountains of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu in 2009. Today, exactly 15 years later, the flower has re-inhabited the Gulshan of the Western Ghats.
Some varieties of Nilkurinji bloom in 3 years. Some have a schedule of 3 years, while others have a figure of 3 years. Of course, whatever the species is, it is true that the flowers on all the plants bloom and wither together! There is no exception to this rule and there is no change in time. It is to be noted here that the mountains of the Western Ghats are spread over various geographical vistas of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The distance between the mountains of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu is hundreds of kilometers. However, as soon as Nilkurinji flowers bloom in Kerala, Gulistan blooms in the mountains of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. After a lifetime of suffering from August to October, all the Nilkurinjis are done together and, according to Spibsis, at intervals of four to twelve years, they wake up suddenly from the samadhi. After all, who would shout at them and say, 'Come on, get up now! Laziness twists open the petal. It's time to dump her! ' Which invisible factor will sound the alarm for Nilkurinji at fixed intervals of four to twelve years?
The phenomenon of simultaneous flowering on plants of the same species in different geographical regions is called synchronized flowering / synchronized flowering. Another example like Nilkurinji is bamboo. Flowers bloom on certain varieties of bamboo in our northeastern states, just as bamboo of the same species grows in Myanmar, China, Thailand and Japan. The timetable does not go back and forth in the same way. The reason behind this mysterious incident is still unknown. Researchers have studied the chemical, biological and climatic effects of hardy seasonal plants like Nilkurinji and Bamboo on plants. However, synchronized flowering is still a suspense inside a stuffed coconut that does not break through the hard crust.
Plants like bamboo and nilkurinji are not the only ones disciplined in maintaining second-to-second harmony over time. Rather, everything on Earth, from the cells of every living thing to the smallest particle of the universe, follows a certain, defined dimension. Everyone has their own rhythm; Not only sound but his alertness and dedication too are most required. Synonymization is the use of English words. The emission of slow electric currents by the pacemaker cells that command the heart to beat, the action of breathing, the flock of birds flying, the dragon's frog in the monsoon ... the dragon ... If their fixed rhythm is broken, the expected result is not surpassed. like-
પે The pacemaker cells in the heart of a human being, as well as human organisms, put electrical currents together at specific intervals in millivolts. The heart beats faster when it gets milder. The risk of death does not go unnoticed if the rhythm of electrical emissions is disrupted by pacemaker cells.
વન Self-illuminated insects named Aagiya, seated on the branches of trees and shrubs in the dark of night, also have wonderful contemporaneity. Millions of firefighters gathered in the garden to exchange messages with each other. There is no millisecond noy difference in the biochemical light generated in everyone's pelvis. If there is a difference (which is not possible) then communication breaks down.
Even living things, such as clocks, are not excluded from the symmetry determined by nature. Let me clarify with an interesting example.
Is. It was the year 195. Christian Hogan, a mathematician-cum-physicist-cum-astronomer-cum-inventor from the European country Netherlands, fell ill one day. While resting in the bedroom of the house, he noticed that the pendulums of the two unique clocks hanging on the front wall were moving in a certain rhythm as if they were keeping pace with each other. This means that the two pendulums move in opposite directions after approaching each other at the same time and also come closer for a 'handshake'. Absolutely perfect timing was maintained between the pendulum motion of the two clocks, like soldiers on a military parade.
Christian Hogan's studious creature sat staring at the scene for hours as he lay in bed. He also knocked Hogensa out of bed. Hogensa closed the window, assuming that the whistling of the wind entering the bedroom through the open window might have been the cause of the pendulum's extraordinary movement. But it didn't matter. While the rhythmic motion of the pendulum of the clocks remained the same, Hogens placed a tall wooden stool horizontally between the two wall clocks. After doing so, the pendulum movement remained as rhythmic as before.
Now Christian Hogens took one clock off the wall and hung it on the other wall. Thirty minutes did not become a novelty. But then Tanner saw unexpected as well as surprising results. Synchronization is disrupted in clocks that are separated from each other. The rhythm of the same movement of the pendulum broke. It was amazing. Of course, Hogenser was even more surprised when he turned the clock on the second wall to its original position and within half an hour the same rhythm was established between the two pendulums.
The effect of synchronization is not limited to a mechanical device such as a clock. In addition, the biological clocks of two different individuals are often synchronized. For example, synchronization, similar to the movement of a pendulum of two intermittent clocks, is also embedded in the menstrual cycle of two women. In this regard, a scientific experiment conducted in 181 is worth quoting here. A student named Martha McClintock visited a college host in the United States that year. During the research on 135 students studying here, it was found that the menstrual cycle was the same among the students who were always in the room as room partners. The synchronicity was not maintained when the students went to their respective homes during the holidays. But as soon as the students returned after the holidays, the rhythm was restored with the roommate as before. The factor behind this synchronization is incomprehensible.
Let us also note a few more instances of contemporaneity that have remained suspenseful, like the flowers of the Nilkurinji, which bloom uniformly at certain intervals.
બહુ It is a very common occurrence when the audience gathered in the theater applauds. But mark that the beginning of the applause is always chaotic and provocative. After a few seconds, the hands of all the spectators in the hall automatically start colliding with each other in the same rhythm — and then the synchronized sound of thunder produces an effect. No one directs the timing to applaud hundreds or thousands of spectators. Yet synchronicity is established.
■ Hundreds of village pigeons are sitting on the roof of the house, flying with one another. Initially, the wings have been shown solely to give a sense of proportion. Even if there is a distance of hundreds of feet between two pigeons, rhythm after rhythm is found.
ગત Synthesis is one of the most important steps we take in our daily lives. Thoughts arising in the brain, logic, storage of memory as well as refreshing of stored memory etc. are attributed to synchronization. Millions of brain cells are turned on and off at the same time 30 times a second. This defined rhythm ultimately makes the brain the body's narrowest data center.
Hundreds of other examples of this kind can be cited, but their essence is that every object — whether inanimate or animate — follows a certain movement in nature.
The clock is based on a specific time and no one knows which clock the time itself follows. 3
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