A bright career opportunity for young people in the field of cyber security

- After becoming an Information Security Expert, you can also get higher positions in corporate companies.

- Hotline-Bhalchandra Jani

- The career of becoming an Information Security Expert and solving a cybercrime problem has been gaining popularity among the youth of India for some time now.

Digital technology has become a part of the lives of citizens. Information technology, documentation has also become essential for transparency. On the other hand, the 'digital attack' by criminals is a challenge for mankind. Everyone must unite to control the scourge of cyber crime. Not only that, a whole army of cyber experts has to be prepared who can give an organized fight against cyber crime.

Gujarat has taken initiative in this direction a long time ago. Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, Raksha Shakti University, and Gujarat National Law University have set up separate centers for cyber defense.

The career of becoming an information security expert and solving the cyber crime problem has been becoming very popular among the youth of India for some time now. After becoming an Information Security Expert, you get the job opportunity of an executive who takes care of the internal cyber security of corporate companies with a good salary.

Mumbai's R. Let's look at Ramesh's case. At the present stage, after only three years of experience, Ramesh's annual salary is around Rs 15 lakh. Ramesh, a middle class student, started working as a computer operator after completing his B.Sc. He gradually became interested in computers which led him to take a course in Diploma in Computer Hardware and take lessons in Hardware Assembling, Troubleshooting, Networking and Computer Applications. Along with this study, he got a job in an organization working as a data center and got information about IT infrastructure, application, network and database etc. While working here, he also earned a Masters in Computer Application degree from Correspondence.

Describing his experience, Ramesh says, "I have studied my computer more than my job. However, I later quit my job in Cybercrime and chose to pursue an MSc in Criminology at the University of Madras. Today I am working as a senior consultant in a consulting organization.

Now government, private, companies, banks, defense, scientific as well as all institutions involved in education have a huge network to suit its size and business size. Their data contains sensitive information such as customer's personal information or their financial exchange information which is very important to provide security cycle and the help of data center is taken to provide this security cycle to private information.

The main function of a data center is to protect its customer organization from data theft or hacking. The data center usually employs people who have a good understanding of the software, are familiar with the workings of the server and are familiar with the network and protocols. In general, everyone in the data center is aware of information security and has a knack for ethical hacking.

In cybercrime, information is snapped up so fast that if the company is oblivious for a few seconds, it can be very costly. Even a simple hacker can copy the credit card details of more than 30,000 people in just five minutes of hacking, making them difficult to control. As the rate of cyber crime rises, so does the demand for data protection experts. It is estimated that India will need about three lakh cyber security experts in the next three years. Under these circumstances, there will be a huge demand for good information security executives.

Speaking in detail, the cryptocurrency platform Poly Network's ૬ 210 million cryptocurrency was hacked by a hacker. It was the largest cryptocurrency online platform. However, the hacker also returned કરોડ 50 million. The company offered the hacker a job after this bizarre incident.

The company wrote on Twitter: Mr Hacker. Thank you for refunding a small amount. The company is ready to become the chief security adviser if the skills are to be gained by becoming an ethical hacker.

If you want to work in the field of information security, you should have a bachelor's degree in mathematics or physics, an engineering degree in computer science, or a degree in electronics and communication. If you want to become an expert in the field of data security as well as network management, it is very important to have a basic knowledge of this field as well as a deep interest as this is a field in which it is not possible to cultivate without interest.

To become a cybersecurity expert, one must have knowledge of the smallest details of communication and data transfer as well as an understanding of hardware and software testing capabilities. Apart from this, if one knows how to design and protect the network, the fragrance is mixed in the gold.

Many universities and reputed institutes run hardware and software courses to teach these essential qualities to become an Information Security Expert. These institutes provide systematic understanding of VPN, WAN, LAN and IP management system. Apart from this, the subject of cyber forensics has become very popular among the youth nowadays as the spread of fraud and terrorist activities using the internet has increased in recent times. With the help of a cyber forensic expert, the police and security agencies can trace the accused.

Recently, the Maharashtra Cyber ​​Police, for the first time, hired six cyber specialists as consultants and decided to enlist their help in preventing cyber attacks on government installations. It is not new for the state police to seek the advice of cyber experts but this is the first time they have hired IIMs and IITs and other cyber experts as formal consultants.

To become an information security expert, one must have technical knowledge, but also some other human qualities. To become an Information Security Expert, you need to have in-depth knowledge of the network system. The network system is the backbone of any organization. Only a person who has complete knowledge of this network system can reach the top because having a knack on this information makes it different from other individuals. The biggest challenge for security experts is to keep the system working. If the system is to remain operational, it must always be virus-free. Apart from this, he has to be very vigilant so that technical problems do not arise.

At present, the information technology securities market in India is worth ૪ 3 billion and is growing at an annual rate of 20 per cent. These statistics show that there is a lot of potential for young people in the field of cyber security.
