A man living in a single-roomed palace

- Peace cannot be bought with wealth. Peace and harmony in life will be manifested only at the moment of the melodious ringing of the bell of the manifestation of virtues at the end of the death knell of the virtues. Hearing this, the Sultan bowed with both hands.

A saint lived a simple life in a cottage. He had affection for people of all religions. He was friendly with everyone, seeing someone's pain, his eyes flooded with compassion. If someone did a good deed, they would approve it with pleasure. If someone disrespects him or does not believe him, he will ignore him but not hatred. His sattvic lifestyle earned him a reputation as a famous saint.

The Sultan heard about this saint. The thought came to him, 'If I go to a saint with some gift, I will get the blessing of that saint.

One day the Sultan goes to the saint and offers him a bag of Sonamhoro and says, 'Accept this gift of mine from Sonamhoro and bless me with enlightenment. I am restless, I have come to you to offer peace. '

The Sultan's heart felt lonely. Was concerned for the security of his own state. His mind was agitated by constant suspicion even towards the people close to him. He lived under constant fear.

The cottage had no throne or furniture. He was sitting in front of the saint on a small mat.

A gentle breeze from outside was touching his brain. The birds chirped. In this divine atmosphere, he felt that his inner noise was slowly subsiding and he began to experience a wonderful peace.

The saint said with a sweet smile, 'It is our ego, prejudice and lust that makes us restless. Goodwill towards everyone will remove prejudice and doubt towards it and adopting the spirit of renunciation by giving up greed and lust will cause a crack in the mountain of acceptance. The lower the perimeter, the lower the safety concern. Giving alms to others will eliminate fear in private life and will make you fearless. Not endangering anyone will create an atmosphere of trust on both sides.

Ego is the cause of unrest. Many virtues of life are seen in the monstrous shadow of ego. The breath of the ego is hatred. Exhalation is prejudice, hypocrisy is its companion and humility is its hypocrisy.

Ego means a high opinion of oneself. An egoistic man has no friends even if he is empty inside. The egoist is a man living in an IVORY TOWER. From the inside he is constantly afraid of feeling lonely and insecure. Deprived of his way of life with sweet chirping laughter is ego which fits snugly in places like power, wealth and power. Ego is broken when humility comes from the satsangs of saints, fakirs, renunciants or saints. Peace cannot be bought with wealth. Peace and harmony in life will be manifested only at the moment of the melodious ringing of the bell of the manifestation of virtues at the end of the death knell of the virtues. Hearing this, the Sultan bowed with both hands.

- Quality Barwalia
