'Auspicious Benefit or Pure Benefit'

Manum Maharaj, the ancestor of the universe, started the day by offering Ardhya to the Sun God every morning and one day while chanting mantras with water in Anjali, he felt movement in the water. I opened my eyes and saw a small fish floating in the water. Assuming that Manu Maharaj would throw it away, the fish said in a pitiful voice: 'Protect me. Save lives. I will never forget your kindness if I live. 'Manumaharaj was kind. He put the fish in a container filled with water. As time went on the fish got bigger.

Manumaharaj also changed his character according to his length. In time, the fish became so large that it could not fit into a container. So Manu Maharaj left him in the sea. The fish got the sea and got salvation. This has happened many times. One day the Flood came upon the earth. There was wailing all around. Destruction began. It became difficult for everyone to save lives. Then took over a safe island. Thus the fish saved his life. This is a myth.

Auspicious means 'like what you get' in life and benefit means 'what you like'. Everything in the universe that is benevolent or benevolent decreases only in the inner calm state. Quiet state means inner calmness, inner awareness, vitality of the senses. But when the senses run after profit without counting the auspicious instincts, even the able or rich man is seen to be compromising.

He understands the waste of time in auspicious deeds and stands in favor of taking pure advantage. He is seen licking the mango foot jam, leaving the sweet mango juice to taste. He does not have to teach the language of ego. He also warms his personal men instead of the warmth of love. When it comes to benefits, barely preserved virtues are covered under the auspicious red-carpet and suppressed as waste is suppressed.

During the Crimean War, a service-minded young woman like Florence Nightingale carries a lantern in her hand on a dark night without caring for her body to serve wounded soldiers.

An 18-year-old girl leaves her Yugoslav country and comes to Calcutta after hearing painful letters from orphans at Skapje's school. And the poor, the orphans, the helpless living on the sidewalk, spend their whole lives in the service. A young woman named Teresa became Mother Teresa and was awarded the 19th Nobel Prize. Where does the feeling of doing good deeds come from in such benevolent beings?

When the bee sucks the juice from the flower, the flower does not have the consciousness that the flower gives something or that the bee itself is taking something. This is an auspicious exchange of selfless karma. The tree bears fruit. The river gives water to another. The cow gives milk to another. So this body is also for charity. Vallabhacharya says in Navratna. (Survey Lord Relationships) Everyone has a relationship with the Lord.

The man who understands the meaning of auspiciousness but does not implement it is like a grocer who has a lot of the same but never climbs the steps of the temple to worship. You should work all day to get a good night's sleep. The one who does good deeds gets peace of mind whether he gets benefit or not. Such an arrest is a sign of consciousness.

- Surendrashah
