New Year: After the day of Diwali comes the unit of Kartak month. This day is known as New Year, Sitting Year or New Year. On this day, people decorate the house, complete the sathiya and fill the rangoli in the courtyard. A pylon is built at the main entrance of the house. People go to Dev Darshan, and give gifts etc. to the poor Gurbas. On this day, people forget all kinds of old animosities, hug each other and wish each other a Happy New Year and wish each other a Happy New Year. The elders give blessings to the young children and give cash as booni. People make each other's mouths salt by sharing sweets with their friends and relatives.
Bhaibeej: The second day of the new year is called Bhaibeej. On the day of brotherhood, the brother comes to his sister's house as a guest and the sister takes the brother's sweets and makes the brother's favorite cooking and lovingly freezes the brother. It is said that Yamaraja's younger sister Yami A (now the river Yamuna) first invited her brother Yama to her house for a meal. Bhaibeej is also known as Yamadvitiya.
Benefit Fifth: Kartak Sud Fifth is known as Benefit Fifth, Benefit Fifth or Gyan Fifth. Every business, trade, industry is auspiciously celebrated today and the first bond of the business is made. Many traders take advantage of the fifth day of lifting the book they worshiped on the day of Diwali.
Thus, people enjoy the coming festivals in the month of Aso and Kartak. It is said that enjoying festivals brings new life to life. We spend our daily life in the same house, sometimes we feel bored, tired or restless and to avoid all these sorrows we celebrate festivals and celebrations and cheer up the mind and get new freshness in life.
- Yogeshbhai R. Joshi
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