- Subtitled-Summary-Dr. Kulinchandra Po. Sacrifice
(Shardul sold)
Kin jyotistava bhanumanahani me ratrao pradipadikam
Syadev Ravidipadarshan Vidhau
Why in the light?
At the time of Chakshustasya Nimilanadi
Why be patient
किं तत्राहमतो भवान्परमकं
Jyotistadismi Prabho.
(- Ekashloki, Adi Shankaracharya)
In this verse of Bri Hadaranak Upatishad, there is a dialogue between Guru and disciple. The Guru asks the question and the knowledge hidden in the mind of the disciple comes out. Vedanta says first identify yourself. In this verse 'Jyoti' means your soul, your self, your consciousness, which shows you all the things of the world. The Guru takes the disciple one step further through his questions to the correct answer.
It asks: Your light
what's that ?
The disciple says: Sun by day and lamps by night.
Guru: If so, who shows you the lamp, the light of the madman?
Disciple: My eyes.
Guru: And when the eye is closed, who cares?
Disciple: Intelligence.
Guru: Who awakens, inspires, gives consciousness to the intellect?
Disciple: Lord! That's me!
Guru: Yes, so you are your Jyoti, your soul is in your distance! Here the poet has tried to explain the basic point of the whole Vedanta in a short, one verse.
The Vedas identify it with negative answers like 'it is not, it is not'. In the Bhagavad Gita, soul and karma, yoga, va. The knowledge of is given in 200 verses. But there is a beautiful verse in it about the identity of the soul: 'The senses that do karma are very strong but the mind has control over them and there is intellect over them and what is above the intellect is' it '!'
The way we imparted knowledge through Guru-disciple dialogues was very prevalent there. The Gita says that knowledge is obtained by doing the same question - per question. The dialogue between Lord Buddha and his patta disciple Anand is famous. All the knowledge imparted by the famous Greek philosopher Socrates is preserved in the dialogues with the disciples. Pedagogy says that the disciples' curiosity comes out through their questions and they get knowledge through its answers.
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