'Ma' Adyashakti says: I am in the form of Tusti..Pushti..Shanti ... Kanti Shaktirup ... whose vision is happily seen in Tej-Sudha Varshavati, Sharad Poonam. In the adornment of the full moon, there is a radiant, affectionate ... lovely vision of Maa Adyashakti. In the Saubhagyaratna Granth, Maa Adyashakti is called 'Vyomarupa'.
Jyortimaya is 'Sharadpoonam' of the exile of Urdhvavyom even from Vyom. Peace, contentment ... sweetness ... purity ... coolness ... full of light, in the vision of Sharadpurnima, it becomes pralin. Countless people are thankful to be lean. Experiences complete smoothness and serenity.
Prafulla Sharadpoonam's darshan, rather than Bhav, recalls the prayer of 'Atharva Veda'.
The way the sun, the moon, the fire god became more successful than the welfare of the world. In the same way we become more successful than the welfare of life.
The enlightenment in Gitaji reveals the contemplation of some lyrical promises rather than the vision of the form of light, the beneficent peace giver of Sharadpurnima.
* I become a juicy moon and nourish all the plants.
* And the light that is in the moon and in the fire, you know my light.
* I am the place of unbroken bliss.
* The thing that is rich, beautiful, strong.
* When you become stable in samatarup samadhi, you will attain the form yoga of divine consciousness.
* The yogi who experiences bliss and enlightenment in his conscience becomes Paramatma and attains Brahman Nirvana.
It is like taking the milk prasad with love, but at the same time tasting the chintan prasad with darshan prasad.
Sharadpurnima says -
I am ... Tallinn,
In the inner Pacific glory
I invite everyone to take its offerings.
- Labhubhai R. Pandya
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