Navratri: Dance is a tool of self-forgetfulness!

- Landscape-Subhash Bhatt

- Navratri means the whole universe is a theater and life is a Rasotsav and Rasotsav created and played on it.

There are two ways to live G One, one believes that life is misery, and the other believes that life is joy, celebration. If Param Astitva were a recluse, there would be about 15,000 species of butterflies, 150,000 species of butterflies, 250,000 species of flowers, 15,000 species of birds and 10,000 species of trees. And yes there wouldn’t be so many colors, seasons and flavors. Life on this earth seems to be a celebration of form, color, interest. Happiness seems to be the only way of life. Infinite power-energy works behind all these creations. The first and final principle of existence is this eternal power. The whole universe is a theater and life is a game played on it. Here particles and waves, sounds and sounds, expressed and unexpressed, nature and man, the sky and the earth are a pair of players. Here the dance of desire and action is continuous.

Every civilization and culture in the world dances to express life and joy. Somewhere they hold hands, somewhere they hold shoulders and somewhere they hold the waist and dance. Someone dances in front of someone. Sometimes a single man or woman dances with a man or a woman. Somewhere half, somewhere a full circle. This circle expands to form the universe.

This is the unique partner of Gujarat and Gujarati in the Rasotsav and Rasotsav of Sur-Swar, which runs all over the universe. Navratri is the longest dance festival in the world. In the center of the circle, in the flame and in the circumference, the person disappears and becomes a mess of energy. The sky and the earth seem to connect when the player jumps. In the ras-garbi of Navratri, each tune has direction and the speed of the tone. Each step has a rhythm and a hand rhythm. The one who is immersed in this gradually dissolves his identity and identity. Eventually the dancer survives, the dancer melts away. The game survives and the player is lost. At that moment, such a line could not be drawn. There is also yoga and meditation. In this sense, dancing is a means of self-forgetfulness. The creation of the dance and the dissolution of the dancer take place in parallel, this is also healing. A man living room-by-room in the world experiences integrity when he sings and dances in totality.

Alas, the flow of life energy also seems to flow naturally and fluently. A collective consciousness is felt throughout the circle. Psychology also says that if a lot of energy is not expressed, it becomes violence-aggression but if it is expressed in singing-dancing etc., it becomes creative and therapeutic.

This Navratri message of Gujarat and Gujarati is on behalf of all mankind and all mankind. In which there is a statement every night

We pound and bounce,

We sing and dance,

We celebrate and live,

We are self-exhilarating, energetic and radiant ....
