- Eyesight-Hershal Pushkarna
- Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya: Gyan, Vijnan and (very little) philosophy for the festival of light
* Knowledge *
The great physicist who rewrote the definition of Spacetime / universe plus time with the principles of relativity. As Albert Einstein said,
“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious./ I have no special debt. I'm just curious. "
Scholars around the world, astronomers and physicists from around the world who have changed the concept of omnipresence overnight. When an intelligent person like Einstein makes such a statement, it shows his goodness. Elsewhere, for Einstein's superbrain person, the English phrase Geniuses are born, not made (meaning: scholars are born with great intelligence) seems more appropriate. In the first half of the twentieth century, in fact, it was believed that Albert Einstein was a born genius.
This belief was refuted by Einstein himself after his death. He passed away on April 14, 19 at the Princeton Hospital in the United States. His brain was to be removed for medical examination after death as per the wish expressed before death. The doctor of the hospital, Dr. Thomas Harvey undertook that task. The brain of the most intelligent person of the twentieth century (and perhaps the human chronicle) Dr. Harvey removed and placed it in a glass jar filled with formaldehyde. A few times later the brain flags were removed and each blade was examined by placing it under a microscope. Dr. If Albert Einstein is truly a genius, then he must have something in his mind that is not in the brain of a common man.
Dr. Harvey spent many years of his life searching for it, but he could not find anything 'unsightly' in Einstein's mind. Over time (in 19) his assistant Dr. Marion Diamond had success. By closely observing Einstein's brain, Dr. Marianne discovered that it contained a network of billions of neurons made up of axons and axons and dendrite.
So was that dense web a birthright to Albert Einstein that justified the saying 'Geniuses are born ...'? The answer was yet to come. Hence Dr. Marion Diamond did an experiment in the laboratory. Two groups of rats of the same age were placed in separate cages. One had working models of ladders, wheelchairs, hammocks and various lifting equipment. It was planned to turn the lever in a certain direction so that a piece of cheese and bread would fall into the cage. None of this was kept in the cage in which the rats of group no. 3 were stuffed.
The rats grew up in two different environments in both cages. After suffering a fixed life, when some rats died, Dr. Ray. Marianne Diamonda studied everyone's brain. The network of encyclopedias in the brains of the rats who grew up in the environment of working models seeking mental exercise, such as ladders, wheelchairs, high lawn equipment, etc., was extraordinarily dense. On the other hand, in the absence of all such things, the brains of the rats that grew up did not develop much. This experiment nicely refuted the saying Geniuses are born.
Finished knowledge! Now science.
* Science *
By the time a baby is born, its tiny brain has about 100 billion new neurons (encyclopedias). With this fixed deposit he continued to take various tasks to the brain all his life. In other words, after the birth of a child, new cells of other organs continue to form in his body, but the balance of encyclopedic deposits does not increase. As far as intelligence is concerned, more important than the 100 billion encyclopedias are the innumerable connections formed between them by Axon / Axon and Dendrite / Shakhik. One example is enough to understand how narrow a network like the imaginary web of the Internet can be: the number of connections in 1 cubic centimeter of the rich human brain is equal to the total number of stars in our Milky Way (100 billion).
It is like knowing the immense potential of our brain before understanding the function of these connections. The various parts of the brain are so cluttered with inexhaustible information that data as small as a horn's grain can store up to 3,000 terabytes (1.3 billion books of one and a half hundred pages or the digital version of a movie made in Hollywood to this day). The total amount of data that can be stored in the human brain is found to be around 200 exabytes. (1 exabyte = 1 million terabytes). To exchange this bulk of information between 100 billion encyclopedias, the brain consumes only 200 calories of energy in 8 hours. Squeeze 3 Punjabi style samosas, so understand that the brain cart has fallen all day!
Encyclopaedias are responsible for collecting information obtained through media such as visual, auditory, reading, touch, experience, taste, etc., and presenting the data when the time comes. In addition to this there are many other works of his, the discussion of which is avoided here as being inconsistent. Each encyclopedia sends informational data to different parts of the brain through dim electrical waves — and then millions of lightning bolts are turned on and off every second in the brain. (That is why the word 'fireworks' is used figuratively in the title.) The combined current of these electric waves can easily light up 1 to 20 watt LED bulbs!
In other words, the brain of a person who does nothing (even flies in the mouth) in the most relaxed moments, automatically processes bulk data every 20 seconds of thoughts, analyzes, emotions, etc. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope orbiting in space can collect enough information about the universe in 30 years, so our brain works in 30 seconds.
Waves flowing from one encyclopedia to another use the chemical network of axons and branches as a 'fireworks' of electrical signals running through the brain 24x7 throughout the year. If the bridge is not or is not raw, its sweet effect on the exchange of information between encyclopedias does not last. As noted earlier, the number of encyclopedias in an infant's brain does not increase throughout life after an infant's citation. But the axon and branching network between those cells is growing. The more the brain is used, the narrower the web becomes. Dr. As Einstein's example explains, it is up to the curious man to decide how tight the brain is and how tight the axon and branching network become.
Several years ago, doctors at Emery University in the United States conducted a scientific experiment. He gave a novel called 'Pompeii' to a total of 12 students of the college to read. Is. The story of how Mounted Vesuvius volcano in Italy wiped out the town of Pompeii in the 7th century is presented in a dramatic way in the book. Before starting to read the book, the doctors took an MRI of each student's brain. After reading the book for a few hours every day for 3 consecutive days, he underwent brain MRI again. The doctors noticed that everyone's brain had a substance called axon / axon wafite matter, which was slightly higher than before. In the second phase of the experiment, all the students were to express their views about the book 'Pompeii' in written-oral form and also to take part in a quiz based on those occasions. At the end of the five-day program, an MRI of all the students' brains was taken for the third time, and it was found that the axon for the Waqit matter had developed even more.
The above experiment performed by the doctors of Emery University suggests a positive effect on the brain of reading and post-reading analysis.
Just put an end to science here! Now, on the occasion of Diwali, the festival of lights, a little, but necessary philosophy:
* Metaphysics *
In the modern age of television, mobile phones and social media, the importance of reading is not as great as it used to be. But instead of accepting it as a harsh reality, we should try our best to remedy it. like,
એક A lamp in the courtyard of a tribal house is like lighting a lamp in honor of the brain and the knowledge stored in it. Having that work done by the children at home makes them realize the glory of knowledge and it is possible that the flame of the lamp will make them wait towards reading.
ળ Children who experience deafness under the burden of learning are being deprived of other reading if they have already. At such times, as parents, can't we read and listen to some pages from an interesting book every night? If the answer is yes, then a lamp has to be lit in the name of Sankalpabha.
■ Even today in India, innumerable children cannot acquire any knowledge other than basic literacy. Deciding to light a lamp for such children as a responsible citizen on the occasion of Diwali is like giving them books, story books, drawing books, color sets etc. at regular intervals throughout the year. This noble work of dissemination of knowledge can be done in government schools in the surrounding as well as in the hinterland. Knowledge is as great as food and wealth.
Happy New Year to all with the feeling that if we do something like this or do something in that direction, it will be a meaningful celebration of the Feast of Light! 3
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