- What will be the five pada of student Vallabh?

One by one : 1 x 1 = 1

Two equals two : 3 x 1 = 2

Three aku three : 3 x 1 = 2

Four one four : 3 x 1 = 2

Five equals five : 3 x 1 = 2

Six is ​​one : 3 x 1 = 2

Seven equals seven : 3 x 1 = 2

Eight aku eight : 3 x 1 = 2

Nine one nine : 3 x 1 = 2

Ten to ten : 10 x 1 = 10

Baby friends! In earlier times numbers were taught in this way. It was customary to call it Kotha. In primary school, these rooms were used to speak loudly.

All these students are crazy and free in the time of Vallabh. Be open and capricious!

In the village, these rooms are called 'Pahada'. On the same day, the mountain became a mountain and when the student came to Vallabh, the mountain came and fell.

Once the student Vallabh Pada may have written incompletely, may have written in a hurry or may have forgotten. Master Sahib punished him for housework: 'I have to write five verses from home tomorrow'

If mother Ladliba finds out, she reminds him again and again, but the carefree student says:

'Did you write five pada or not?' Asked the master in the school

Student Vallabh says: 'Yes sir'

'Show me' Mr. asked to see Sylhet. The 'fun' of the illustrated 'sentence' was emblazoned in bold letters that filled Sylhet. Student Vallabh wrote.

The motto of five and five padas were painted around it. That is how the housework was done: 'Panch Pada'

It is said that the master sentenced him to 10 days. So why did student Vallabh mind? He could write 10 and draw Pada next to it!

This naughty naughty funny Anandi Villabh had a brother. His name is Vitthal. When he went to English school, he learned to write: VZ Patel

That is Vitthalbhai Zaverbhai Patel

And Vallabhbhai Zaverbhai Patel

Most of the time they never write their full name: VZ PATEL.

And enjoy it as much as you can. Somewhere FZ Vallabh would reach where VZ i.e. Vitthal had to go and somewhere VZ i.e. Vallabh would reach Vithal where he had to go.

Says that ... Yes says that ... Once Vitthalbhai reached Vilayat instead of Vallabhbhai. And in the court office of India, one would have to go to another 'F' instead of 'Fad'.

When the state of Gujarat was established in 180, before it was a united Maharashtra, Gujarat was separated from it and Gandhinagar was established, then the question of this VZ arose (will be!)

A huge statue of Vallabhbhai Patel, born on October 31 in Nadiad, stands on the banks of Narmada today. It is said to be the tallest statue in the world. Like STATUE OF LIBERTY it is named STATUE of UNITY.

But today's question is, today's students are probably more that the Deputy Prime Minister of India, what are the five pada? That is, what five pada would he have imagined when he was a student?

The people of the village live a life of whims and fancies. He is not in the habit of rushing or jogging. Someone provokes: 'Do it sooner, hurry up', then Patel says: 'Where are we going to go? It will happen just as it should! '

But the same Pada, Pahada or Pahada Patel united five hundred kingdoms in one fell swoop. Where will such capacity be today? Who will be in? Let's celebrate Ekta-Parva and remember VZ happily.


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