Crystal glass became a symbol of middle class prestige

There was a time when only the rich could buy crystal glass. Ordinary people can't even dream of buying crystal glass. But today the situation has changed. Crystal glasses as well as bowls are appearing in homes today. One of the reasons for this may be that crystal ware, once made in Belgium, Austria and Czechoslovakia, has been made in India for almost a decade and a half now. Initially hand carving was done on glass in India. However, today the machine is being used. But even today many people prefer hand-cut crystal ware.

There is a big difference between crystal glass and ordinary glassware. Items like soda and sand lime are used in making ordinary glass. These utensils are made in the machine. As well as their production is also done in bulk. Because of this their price is affordable. This type of thinly designed glass is also available. Those who do not know about crystal glass can easily sell this glass in crystal glass and make a good profit.

There are a few things to keep in mind when buying crystal glass, as this type of glass is transparent as it has lead. Its luster is eye-catching. Utensils made of ordinary glass are not watery white like crystal glass as they do not contain lead. Holding the crystal glass in hand, its transparency can be seen. In ordinary glass you will see a yellowish green tinge while the crystal glass will look clear white. Placing white paper on crystal glassware will reveal its original color. When viewed through a normal glass, the paper will appear yellow. You will also hear a musical clang on the crystal glass. When the banging on a normal glass does not make a ringing sound, the fingers hurt from above.

It is worth mentioning here that since lead is used in crystal glass, crystalware has been given a boost by the conscious consumers abroad for some time now. Finally, the famous Italian lead-fee (lead-free) crystal glass was made. Lead-free crystalware of the Michelangelo range of Lugi Bormioli has been used in America, replacing the usual 4% lead used in crystal glass. Lead-free crystalware is now available in India through East Coast Global.

As mentioned earlier, the engraving on the crystal glass is enough to distinguish it from other glasses. Hand carving makes the glass more attractive. Ordinary glass will not be seen in big big parties. Hand-carved crystal ware is considered the pride of the rich party. In our Gujarati homes, it is not customary to do 'sprinkle water' and people who do 'sprinkle water' keep this hidden from their relatives. But modern people also organize drink parties abroad and in India. And in it this crystal ware is inevitable. There is a nail glass for every drink.

Whiskey glasses are a bit heavier than champagne glasses. The edges of the champagne glass are very thin. As well as it has thin stems. And this glass is very fragile. The champagne glass is so fragile that the fear of breaking it is constantly on the mind. Whiskey glasses are made of seated bars and thick glass. Who knows what might be the reason for this, but don't be surprised if whiskey is given to men as it is a men's drink. While champagne is a 'sophisticated drink' that can be tasted by manunis. So he may have been given the same privilege as women. Sherry glass is as delicate as champagne. Brandy or globet glass is often long and round. Beer mugs are very long. While very small, about two inches of glass is used for liqueur. However, most of us are unaware of the 5 differences between these glasses made for different drinks. So don't be surprised if middle class people are served sherbet in a glass of beer there. And he who knows will think that we have to work only by drinking water. Then 3 glasses no matter what. Is the taste of the syrup or water going to change a little? And should this gift glass be used? The show has seemed a bit unfocused in recent episodes. If you put this glass in front of the guests, will it be worth it? Just buying a glass and rubbing it in front of the guests does not get the job done. It also needs to be groomed. It is important to keep the key clean. This is because the crystal ware is so transparent that the dust and stains on it can be easily seen. Washing the crystal ware with a solution of water and detergent will retain its original luster. Vinegar can be used to remove stains. Or soak the crystals in detergent and water solution at night and wash off in the morning. Wiping with a thin cloth as well as turning a soft brush will clean the glass.

A gift of crystal ware would be ideal for a wedding or any other auspicious occasion. Even during Diwali or Dussehra, big business houses prefer to give crystal ware as a gift. From salt and pepper bottles to a variety of bowls as well as glasses, mugs or jugs. Just need to relax a little.
