Glory to Tulsi Vivah Parva celebrated on Kartak Sud Agiyar

- Vichar-Vithika-Devesh Mehta

- Vrinda took incarnation as Rukmini. Since their marriage took place on the day of Kartak Sud Agiyaras, the tradition of Tulsi marriage ceremony has been going on in our folk society.

Tulsi wedding is a wonderful festival in Hinduism. Tulsi wedding is held on the date of Ekadashi named after Devprabodhi of Shukla Paksha in the month of Kartak. On this auspicious occasion, pious people get the fruit of Kanyadan by marrying Shaligram and Tulsi as idols of Lord Vishnu. Tulsi marriage is performed with great fanfare like the marriage of a worldly bride and groom.

It is said in the Padmapuran that the mere sight of Tulsi destroys the great sins. By touching it, the body becomes most holy. By sprinkling it, death runs away. Planting a basil plant brings one closer to the Lord, and by dedicating it to the footsteps of Lord Vishnu, one attains Moksha. In the Puranas it is said to show its glory - Yanmule Sarva Tirthani, Yagre Sarva Devata, Yanmadhye Sarva Veda Cha Tulsi Ta Namamyaham. At the root of which are all the tirthas, at the top of which are all the deities, and in the midst of which are all the Vedas, I salute Tulsi. There are many names of Tulsi in the scriptures, eight of which are main - Vrinda, Vrindavani, Vishwapujita, Vishwa Pavani, Pushpasara, Nandini, Krishnajivani and Tulsi.

There are many myths associated with Tulsi. It contains the story of the divine green of its quotation in Padmapuran and Goddess Bhagavat. Accordingly, once Shivaji projected his radiance into the sea. This gave birth to a very bright baby. This child went on to become a mighty monster king named Jalandhar. Its capital was Jalandharnagar. Daitya Raj Kalnemi's daughter Vrinda got married to Jalandhar.

In the midst of power and power, Chakchur Jalandhar fought with the gods to achieve Lakshmiji. But since he originated from the sea, Lakshmiji made him a brother. From there he went to Goddess Parvati in the form of Shiva, desiring to attain her, but Parvati's mother recognized him by her yoga power and disappeared. He narrated this story to Lord Vishnu. He planned to kill her.

Vrinda, the wife of Jalandhar, was extremely virtuous and pious. Jalandhar could not be killed or even defeated in battle by the power of his pativrat religion. Therefore, in order to destroy Jalandhar, it was very necessary to break the patriarchal religion of Vrinda. For this, Lord Vishnu did a trick by telling the gods.

Lord Vishnu disguised as a sage went to the forest where Vrinda was wandering alone. There were also two delusional demons with God which Vrinda was frightened to see. The sage swallowed the two Mayavas in an instant in front of Vrinda. Seeing her power, Vrinda asked about her husband Jalandhar who was fighting with Mahadev Shivaji on Mount Kailash. Sage Roop Vishnu manifested two monkeys with his love. In one hand was the head of Jalandhar and in the other hand the torso. Seeing this, Vrinda fainted. Realizing this, she begged the sage to bring her husband back to life. The Lord attached the head of Jalandhar to his body with his Maya. Then it entered his body. Vrinda felt that this was her husband Jalandhar. Husband began to enjoy happiness by dealing with Vishnu Bhagwan, who became Jalandhar, as Vrinda's wife. This violated her chastity. As a result, Vrinda's husband Rakshasaraj Jalandhar was defeated and died.

When Vrinda found out the truth, she became angry and cursed Lord Vishnu to become a rock, and she herself became Sati. The basil plant grew where Vrinda was burnt. Lord Vishnu said to the plant-like group of Tulsi - 'O Vrinda, you have become dearer to me than Lakshmi because of your chastity.

Now you will always be with me in the form of Tulsi. My worship will be through you. I will always sit on your letter as a Shaligram stone. The human being who will marry you will become the possessor of my grace, attain happiness and wealth in this world, and finally attain my Vaikunthadham and be free from repetition. Vrinda incarnated as Rukmini. Since their marriage took place on the day of Kartak Sud Agiyaras, the tradition of Tulsi marriage ceremony has been going on in our folk society.
