'Govardhan-lila' mystery.

One day in Vrindavan, child Krishna sees the people of Vrindavan preparing for some unique festival. Curious, Krishna asks Nandbaba which festival is being prepared for? Nandbawa says that preparations are being made for this festival called 'Shakmah'. Together we are going to worship and sacrifice Indradev. Indra is the lord of the clouds. He showers water on us from the sky. That water gives life to all. That is why their worship and yajna is performed every year according to the tradition. Kષ્ણષ્ણa is inward. Knows everything

But he is a staunch opponent of any kind of tradition without modesty. He says (Karmanaivadhipadyate Bhagavat: 10 ૨૪ 4 ઃ 12) in the field of happiness, sorrow, fear and fear, the jiva attains happiness, sorrow, fear and welfare according to his karma. Karma is the best for animals. He calls Khonkhari. (Karmaiv Gururishwar: 10 ઃ 4 ઃ 12) Karma is the Guru and Karma is God. The one who does karma gets its proper fruit. But even God cannot give fruit to those who do not do karma. If every animal enjoys fruit according to its own karma (Mahendra: Kin Karishyati: 10 ૨ 21 ઃ 2) What can this Indra be allowed to take in this? Indra himself cannot give anything more than the karma-fruit of animals.

Krishna says to Nandabhava. We are not kings. We have no state. We are ordinary forest dwellers. The true basis of our life is our cow-mother and this Giriraj mountain. K ખૂબષ્ણa explained to everyone very kindly. However, even though the talk was against tradition, everyone thought Krishna's words were true. However, to instill confidence, he assumed a gigantic figure on Mount Giriraj and said, "Look, I am Giriraj-Govardhan." Had a meal from a rice dish. Circling. Joy spread all around.

But when Indra found out that his worship had been stopped, he became angry. His ego hurt. Pride hurts. He sent a group of clouds to climb the tree. The lightning flashed. There was a terrible roar in the sky. A great storm arose. The people of Vrij were frightened and trembled by this storm. Began to shiver from the cold. It rained so much from the sky that water started appearing all around. In such a situation all eyes fell on Krishna. He had faith in Krishna. There was faith. All surrendered to Krishna. Krishna consoled him ("Sakrudeva prapannaya tavasmiti cha yachte. Abhayam sarvabhutebhyo dadamyetadvratam mum ...") This is my vow. Is a promise.

Krishna really wanted to make Indra proud. Kષ્ણa believes that whatever the deity may be, he must be truthful. There should be no pride in Aishwarya or position. If mistakenly ego arises in him, then K તેમનાષ્ણa makes him proud for his welfare.

Krishna lifted Govardhan mountain like a cat's hat. Water all around. It rained heavily for seven days. Krishna held Govardhana mountain with his index finger for seven days and protected everyone. Seeing such influence of Krishna's Yogamaya, Indra's ego descended. The rain stopped. The water flowed. Revealed. Krishna set the Govardhana mountain in place in an instant. All the villagers were amazed to see this Govardhan-lila of Krishna. Not only this, with the help of Govardhan-Parvat, Krishna also got tilak on Krishna's forehead. As soon as the pride was broken, Indra surrendered to Krishna and apologized for the crime he had committed. Repeatedly greeted.

This is like understanding the secret of Govardhan-lila. (1) The fruit of good deeds is good. Even God Himself cannot change the karma. Jiva-matra karma is better than Ishwar. (2) Creation is being managed with the inspiration of Rajoguna. (For example, it rains according to the seasons without any grace.) No special power of God works in it. (Dashamaskanda: 12 ઃ 19 ઃ 19) (2) Man should respect and worship his abode and his guardian. (2) Ordinary beings, even if the gods are arrogant and use their position immorally, they are also punished.

After Diwali, the new year begins with the Kartak Sud unit. On this day, cow worship is done in Krishna temple and worship of Giriraj Govardhan is done. The devotee circumambulates. Annakut is made up of rice-rice ingredients. Devotees take blessings by worshiping Krishna and greet each other and start the new year. The same wish arises in everyone's mind.

Happy New Year .... Happy New Year ....

- Surendra Shah
